
Apple covering iPhone logo? hmm, what's up Apple designers? I thought you were better at this.

Since Jobs' death Apple hasn't done any designs, I guess Jon Ive has been having a great time

Still better than Bieber

I hate that name also, Apple always comes out with "fancy" names for stuff (iSight, Face Time... just to name some)

just from the title I can clearly tell how Gizmodo thinks of art... Art is never overpriced so please Gizmodo don't write about art.


My brain just exploded, thank you very much.

np I hope you like it

there is a software called Boom, it's main feature is to boost sound but it has a built in EQ which works great, check it out []

dafuq? I'm not sure if I should laugh or it's too late for me and I should go to bed

I noticed it too... was about to comment the same thing. Adrian Covert, please be careful what you write.

who the hell makes this "mockups"? they are ridiculous. To whoever did this, please take at least a few lessons on design.

I don't think it is that expensive because it is made from a single sheet of wood

as @isochronous says, you can always put a glass sheet on top

This is where tech goes too far... I don't even know if the human eye can focus on that ratio. If I had one I would place it somewhere far so I can see the whole thing

imagine having sex on the top of it! that would be awesome.

it's so sad to read the comments in this article... people forget about the quality that the iPhone is made with. It's not just glass, it is a pretty expensive glass made to resist scratches. Obviously if you drop it from 30 meters it's gonna crash into a million pieces but most phones are not made for stupid people.

packages are extremely important in any product. Apple gets it right because it creates an amazing experience when opening the package plus they make great quality packages just so you keep them. It's free advertising think about it...

that is the whole purpose of their packaging... sometimes packages are equally as important as the product itself