
people, stop dreaming of an iPhone 5... here's the japanese Apple store site, it says it's an iPhone 4S and it's coming out the 14th []

what about a trojan? and a BSOD?

let's just hope that the new "iPhone" if it is that doesn't take as long as iOS 5 to launch... it's been ages!!!

sorry for the language but what the fuck is wrong with you people! seriously. This is one of many examples of humans destroying the ecosystem. I have eaten a lot of different exotic things but I usually avoid it. This is absolutely insane, it did made me wanna cry... Gordon Ramsay gained a lot of my respect with this,

that's the new Diet Coke and Menthos!!!!!!

don't get me wrong but the Zune is quite a beautiful looking product. Too bad I couldn't get one just as a "design collection" I have

I would do it, it's quite simple but I am too lazy right now

I also hope they polish the iPhone 4 design it's really beautiful. I wouldn't like my iPhone to look like an iPad nano

cats with lasers!?!?!!?

Just wait till iOS 6, Apple will "release a new feature" or in other words, steal this guy's design

Me wants it now!

i turn 700 million seconds november 23 :D!!!

so, this is what inception is about?

I would sell a kidney for that...

is it a demo, free game or how much does it cost?

I have Lion but I don't know about any software for iCloud or I may be just a bit out of date

I have Lion but not iOS 5... what am I supposed to do with it?

I tried it, I got in but I don't really understand because I don't know if I have to be in iOS 5 to actually use it fully

what about UNO?

MY GOD! is this real? seriously the movie industry is dead...