
You are my new favorite man...

Really Gizmodo... I mean REALLY??

I kinda get that but still, at least make it look as similar as possible I mean the iPhone drawing there probably is still the first iPhone...

I may be wrong, but isn't that the display port? because I can't see one

I've always wondered why the "patent drawings" are always like childish and badly made...

This post couldn't be more fake...

why would you buy this? just go to Vegas, play slot machines in the casino and even if you don't win a penny you still get free drinks...

not really because most of the notes I have them on my computer so it's easier to email them and open them on my iphone

I also find it disturbing, but as Giggity said, it's a signature. I think that he does have some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder. I don't know but it's better that way than to see him with an abercrombie tshirt or something like that. In my opinion I "like" his style because you know it's his own signature

Gizmodo, I have an off topic question... where is the search bar in this new layout I can't see it... it was supposed to be right from the flame thingy and it's gone... please help!

I was about to ask the same thing... and my guess is that the money is given to the other 2 guys

I just use my iPhone and send myself an email with all the notes I need... and sneak out my iPhone without anyone noticing it :P

OMG I never saw that coming I used to be a huge fan when it was on the N64 :D buying it now!

@haxorknight: @TheBobmanNH: oh okay thank you very much for the info!

excuse me, what does untethered jailbreak mean? isn't it the same?

@giuseppe: same here I was about to start jumping around

when I read the title Portal for iPhone my heart stopped and I was going to die in that second but then i started reading and it's just a stupid browser

it's not that new, I saw it in NY around the 18th at the SoHo Apple Store