
I was about to make a NSFW comment but I must save it...

where is the Aston Martin One-77? or the Lamborghini Sesto Elemento?

ha! Sorry Van Gogh you are fucked

pass... I still love gmail more than any other

@Navin R Johnson: I have a pair of Toms and I can tell you they look great and they are really comfortable. I use them a lot.

Precise V5 is a great pen all around even for drawing

moleskine, I love them... the paper quality is great for sketches and it fits in my pocket

looks familiar

so, Bugatti Veyron you got beaten by ice!!

My favorite...

First of all I think the nano as an iPod, is just useless. But, I thought it would be a great idea, to use it as a watch as a piece of consumerist junk (removing its main function and making it something else) which was great. Then, I started thinking about it's functionality as a watch, and it's as useless as an

will this give me xray vision? or even laser shooting eyes?

it's 80dB the maximium a human can handle is 130dB

poor ulfw... I bet he was going nuts when his dream went to the ground

I think it's an awful idea...

so where's the link*?

@siloxr: oh okay now I understand... good feedback

@CaffineFreakUs: isn't the point of this device to avoid getting pulled over or avoid them? how are they going to pull you over if you have the ability to evade them?

@mullingitover: I absolutely agree with you, even though I own an iPhone, I still think the Windows Phone has a great interface and it has a lot of potential...

I'm from mexico and I study industrial design... funny thing, Mastretta himself and all of the design team are actually my teachers but they told me that the car is really expensive to make and they expect to start production august 2011 with a slight redesign