“Now you have the permission to defund planned parenthood”
“Now you have the permission to defund planned parenthood”
Um, is this a church sermon? Dafuq
Goddamit. We’re getting the Wii Tuu
My god. Jason, you’re not Kirk. Sorry, dude. But srsly, bring on the scalpers.
Kirk, any word on if Nintendo will offer a bounty for the heads of scalpers?
Trump’s Xbox live
Jason, congrats! You’ve truly arrived.
10/10 would give up soda again
Killorn and Sustr are very strong possibilities , I'd be very surprised if Hedman were dealt anytime in the foreseeable future, however, I'm really hoping you're sentiments regarding Stammer come to fruition
Lightning fan here, please hold me.
I’m currently playing Fester’s Quest. Because it's fun.
Exhibition game in March, huh?
Lynch has no problem speaking to the media
French Stewart sighting.
Over by +1. You lose the showcase, however, you win the Internet.
Regarding the recently released Fatal Frame 5, can I play it here on my Wii U? I'm beginning to lose hope that Nintendo will release it stateside.
Can we confirm whether or not these come with a defibrillator? Asking for a friend (Andrew Brandt)