I tried one in a blind taste test and it was, forgive the pun... objectively terrible.
I tried one in a blind taste test and it was, forgive the pun... objectively terrible.
What is with the hate-boner you people have with all things Elon?
Sounds... fun.
First you better make sure your target is running old hardware and even older software like this bunk test.
This is veering dangerously close to a positive article about Tesla on here! Never thought I’d see the day. True to form though, the comments are full of hate.
If I were him, I’d use the manual door release.
A jalopnik post tearing down Tesla... gee, must be a day ending in “y”
Abed, stop being meta!
Yes there is a dock in the center control suitable for blind-holstering of your smartphone.
Additional side note: jalopnik has had nothing but snark in all its articles regarding tesla. That’s the strangest hard on...
Sometimes I wonder why I avoid articles on all gawker sites, then I accidentally click on one and am reminded quite quickly. What a joke of a piece.