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    Ikea is a pretty fun place to go shopping, even for guys, but that's no reason to turn our noses up at free hot dogs!

    "The next iPhone will be out soon..."

    Why are they doing it four years early?

    Is it.. is it a little dusty in here? I think I must have something in my eye.

    As DigDug mentioned, it's not a valid patent, but Giz has no idea how to accurately report on patent-related news.

    If Google+ is "work Facebook", does that make Twitter "stupid people with short attention spans Facebook"?

    I'll say this for them: at least they cast an actual short person to play a dwarf, instead of using camera tricks like in LOTR.

    In fairness, Facebook chat always sucked (compared to AIM or GChat, way), so it's not like it could really get THAT much worse.

    Here's the "extra" I want: Han shooting first. That's all.

    It's called a sandcrawler, not a sandwalker.

    "The initiative is just so petty it's like screwing over the guy who shared a soda with his girlfriend."

    Bill James and Baseball Prospectus are not, as far as I'm aware, affiliated with one another. Bill James's Baseball Abstracts are, indeed, well-known texts among SABR-inclined baseball fans, but that's not what you're buying here.

    "An epic Hotmail takedown is kind of like an epic takedown of a three-legged puppy."

    Yeah, it'd be nice if they told us which versions of the movies we're talking about.

    As the article points out, that difference is about equivalent to driving 16 miles. So, yeah, pretty insignificant. Try driving less instead if you want to be greener.

    I wish I didn't live in an area where Time Warner basically has a monopoly on bundled TV and high-speed Internet. (As far as I can figure, TWC is actually the only high-speed ISP where I live.)

    Hold on, I thought we were all supposed to spend twice as much money to buy a Mac because they didn't HAVE things like "troublesome applications".

    "So if the accounts have been compromised, how can I be sure that the commenters are who they say they are?"