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    @Nateilage: "It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black."

    I'm sure this has been asked and answered a zillion times, but: is it possible to add third-party storage to the XBox 360 4GB?

    I love how a soccer bar in New York City is the top autocomplete result for Nevada, one place ahead of just plain "Nevada".

    Given that Crumpler has only been around since 1995, whereas Timbuk2 was founded in 1989 and Manhattan Portage before that, it's probably a stretch (read: wrong) to say that Crumpler invented the messenger bag.

    The Patron thing already expired. Sad.

    @Good_Ole_Pinocchio: Sure, but what's their incentive to cut prices on their own product (probably the best e-reader on the market) that only they sell?

    The publication number is 2010/0289390 if anyone is curious, since neither Giz nor Apple Insider actually bothered to put the number or a link in their articles.

    No Twitter? Finally, something to like about China!

    So, theoretically, is there any way to tell if I have been trimmed off someone's friends list?

    Not sure how $150 is even remotely competitive if all that gets you is digital downloads and you get all the packaging for $20 less at Amazon.

    I remember, when I got my first PC back in 1991, I didn't realize you could copy things from floppies to the hard drive, and I played Quest For Glory (I think it was still called Hero's Quest at that point) by swapping floppies in and out as needed. Those were the days!

    Hasn't everyone who wants to import Beatles music into iTunes already done so? It's hardly like buying from the iTunes Music Store is the only way to obtain digital music.

    OK, but what about GChat? I've been trying to find a good app to do that and nothing seems to fit the bill.

    No, THIS is how Snow White rocks your face off:

    Never mind "why pay for water?"; why CARRY water?

    This does not appear to work, and I'm only on Firefox 3.6.8.

    This is exactly the kind of situation where allowing a trademark on a phrase *is* appropriate. Everybody associates the phrase "there's an app for that" with Apple.

    Google Instant is annoying anyway.