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    Sorry, but who cares? If he were the first person ever to TYPE with his eyes in the manner described, that would be newsworthy (and it's certainly a fantastic marvel of modern technology that the guy is able to communicate despite his disability), but the fact that he's the first person to type with his eyes TO USE

    Because Apple's business model isn't about inventing something new, it's about taking products that others have already invented and making them better. Apple didn't invent MP3 players, but they still sold a zillion iPods because they use a concept that others had gotten started (Diamond beat them to the market by a

    Yeah, the lack of transit information is really disappointing. I like some of the new features, but it makes no sense to have the new version without this.

    Wow, creepy.

    "Impossible is nothing."

    Wait, 13? Didn't I just install 12, like, a week ago?

    For $2000, the personal sound coach should be Scarlett Johansson.

    *yawn*... wake me up when we have transparent aluminum.

    Now come on. This is a pretty cool recycling idea, I guess (though not as good as refilling it with propane), but "gorgeous"? Let's not overstate the case.

    "cellular data is becoming fast enough to replace wired connections for the average person"

    The article says "2.1 surround sound," the original video says "2.1 sound system". In other words, it's not bad marketing, it's bad reporting.

    Well of course they did - the iPad 2 is already a great piece of tech, why wouldn't they love it?

    The article doesn't say Apple doesn't need Google, it says they don't need Google Maps.

    I'd need to wait until the end of the day to see about the claim of improved battery life, but I do like the new lock screen camera access.

    My data performance on AT&T's network is just as bad now as it was on Monday before the iOS update, and as it was last summer before AT&T "upgraded" their network.

    TWITTER is ruining the English language by forcing people to compress their thoughts into 140-character snippets.

    I didn't get a chance to read Gizmodo yesterday and didn't hear anything about this anywhere else in the media, so I think it's safe to say that "all hell broke loose yesterday" is something of an exaggeration.

    Sure, but so what? All the media sales are almost pure profit. Amazon should be giving out regular Kindles for FREE if it gets people to pay $10 for an ebook that costs them next to nothing to distribute rather than go on Half.com and buy the same thing for $2 or (*GASP*) go to a library and get it for free.

    Another thing that's slow and painful: loading a Gizmodo article with all the unnecessary embedded crap. Drambuie, Epson, Ebay, links to a bunch of unrelated stories, and links to all the other Gawker network sites?

    If the battery problem is due to software and not hardware, wouldn't it be more accurate to describe it as "the iOS 5 battery problem" rather than "the iPhone 4S battery problem"?