
I’m confused as to why not standing for the anthem is construed specifically as a sleight on the military. What about our nation’s dedicated public sector educators, or indeed the hard working folks at the IRS? Aren’t they just as entitled to be offended?

Patriotism in America, and the symbolism of the flag often get conflated with jingoism. That is, a patriot, to the minds of some, is someone who joins the service, it is therefore patriotic to support them and by extension patriotic to stand for the flag, to pledge allegiance. Doing otherwise is therefore considered

Scouts say Reid has great quick-twitch muscle, and Lane is a natural athelete. The scouts are split on Kaepernick, some saying he athletically gifted, some believing he is a student of the game. All agree he was raised a grinder.

Something seems slightly disingenuous about having “Salute to the Military” on the fourth preseason game, which is probably ALWAYS your lowest attended game.

Shit dude, I only got through maybe... the first 90 seconds. That was toasty.

It’s here and it’s lifted and it’s shut your mouth.

Mmmmmm. Alien drugs.

It’s more like the fine print on science reporting with an overhyping headline/lede.

Maybe more of those good cops should shut down the bad ones instead of looking the other way. Seems like this whole thing would be over in ten minutes if the numbers are like you say.

Yup, NPR Politics podcast did the exact same last week...Brilliant! I was so excited when she started rolling of the titles!

Haha. Why are you so obsessed with making such a illogical argument. You are basically arguing the exception that proves the rule.

Except that’s not how it works. When you can afford to drop $50k+ on a car, you are cognisant of what it took to get there, and how much it’ll cost if you’re careless all the time. Ergo, you are careful not to hit other cars.

I wish I would have had one of those as a kid! It would have given me a good place to get high once I turned 15.

Try being a minority in this country for 5 min.

So he was last attractive when he looked like a pubescent boy?

Right....his career is floundering coming off that Best Actor Oscar...

This Tundra did 1,000,000 miles in less than 10 years so it might be the fastest vehicle in the world!

“Hi! We’re GM and we make some of the most beautiful concept cars and brand halos today. We’ll never put any of them into production and then wonder why our cars don’t sell and create prestige. Oh well, here's another! "

Meh. Well maybe not meh because it’s pretty good, but the Elmiraj is much much sexier.