
I read and reread the master plan. It’s glorious!

It’s actually really easy to determine what caused the crash: The tractor trailer driver failing to see his way clear across the intersection.

I must say, these articles have made me even more cautious about using Autopilot now. Not because I’m scared of the system, but because I don’t want my goddamn name and what I was doing while driving plastered all across the interwebs.

It’s finally become more about actual cars than about what had been increaslingly idiotic “challenges” on the old TG. Those were nothing more than a ploy to highlight “interaction” between 2 British eccentrics (Clarkson and May) and the chattering voice of reason (Hammond). It quickly wore out its welcome.

Somewhat true. It has to be a really good mirror to stop a really strong laser and doing so just killed all your stealth capabilities.

Uh right, someone praises something you don’t like and they’re a ‘fanboi’. Grow up junior. I think you’re the only butthurt fanboi here.

Tesla doesn’t? I must be imagining those Teslas that I see in my office car park, or on transporters leaving the factory.

This story is full of crap.

True. If it were, everyone would be guilty at one time or another. But if you commit a crime (trespassing, obstruction, assault, rape, murder- doesn’t matter) you can’t use ignorance as a defense. And this dip shit wasn’t just guilty of being ignorant. He was stopped and charged accordingly.

So, what would you do if you saw cops blocking off a part of the road? Just say, “well, fuck it, here goes nothin’” and try to ride through know, without asking WHY they are blocking it off?

to “defend” Mercedes: it takes good eye for design and lots of attention to differentiate C,E and S from each other.

LOL. The President- no matter what your political affiliation- should never have to worry about your commute when flying into “your” town. “Hey Michelle, tell Biden I switched our AF1 flight time to a red eye, so I don’t delay TahoeSTi from getting home this evening.”

Ignorance is not an excuse.

All of the people LeBron’s being derided for picking in this article have looked like great picks in the three series leading up to this one. Does the 2 game sample size outweigh the previous 14?

You wanna know how bad the East was? The Raptors were in the Conf Finals. The Raptors!

Soooo, we are just going to forget 2007 when Honda said the new NSX would be out by 2010? I get that it wasn’t revealed until years later, but man they took foreeeeeeeever to get this thing built. Kind of like all of their meaningless boring cars of the decade and a half.

Basketball, like life is about adjustments. They adjust to you. You adjust back. Sometimes you get too caught up in it and you end up in some crazy combination and you have no idea how you got there. This is how Bogut ended up barely playing the past few games. It is also how I ended up having a threesome with the

Don’t apologize for using your brain, just stop doing it.

This whole series has been determined by the refs. Those who don’t see it are in denial or caught up in superficial storylines. In fact, before this game warriors have had driven the ball more, taken more shots within 10 feet and have had more success doing so, even including free throws. It’s what the refs allow off

Vallejo has cheap land for manufacturing, which is very limited in the Bay Area.