
On the strength of this one editorial? Good. One thing I ask, and this is important, is for FTA going forward to please draw a stronger demarcation between reporting and editorial. The two have been mixed in equal measure in the style it’s been using so far. I would really like to see objective pieces with as little

In other news, Volvo is planning to rebadge Range Rover Evoques. More on this story as it develops.

I’m glad these are just concepts. Oof, that’s bad, Volvo. You can do better.

Just about every industry is subsidized/given incentives somewhere along the line.

Think of it this way: the people buying the $85k cars are subsidising the development costs of the $35k cars.

Is that conclusively proven? Viruses are tough because they never truly leave your body, their number just gets drastically reduced.

In theory that is done in three ways.

Somehow it’s been twisted into meaning that in the general populace, but the goal of golf is to score less.

Well, what if there is a crowd of terrorists nearby?

Perhaps it did happen immediately and they just didn’t notice it. First of all, the car itself doesn’t make noise when running, especially since summon is only like 2mph. And maybe it detected that it couldn’t go forward anymore (behind held back), so it automatically stopped as soon as it touched the trailer and

Watched it this weekend. Now I’m just mad it’s not a series. I need more than two hours.

Watched it this weekend. Now I’m just mad it’s not a series. I need more than two hours.

Not so fast, more exercise = more calories. How much emissions did you put out in the world getting the food to you? Delivery trucks, A/C and power in the store from the coal power plant, refrigeration, farm equipment, feeding the cows, watering the vegetables. The wear on your shoes. I wonder what the emissions of

Paul Allen looked like they found a dead hooker on his yacht.

As a Portland fan, this was just too much. That first air ball three he shot was just so exciting. It gave me fleeting hope that he wasn’t going to be ready for this game. I was just hoping against all hope that he was back too soon and that we could make this a three game series. I told my roommate before overtime

Thank you Steph Curry for clearing out the stench from that Raptors-Heat game. You can’t convince me that those two games were the same sport.

Praying for his knees and no more injuries for anyone, I want to watch them going against a healthy Cavs team in the finals.

Give Zero Fucks. That’s how.

Conversely: Not caring what other people think is a sure fire way to become an asshole.

Do you have reading comprehension issues? I have shown the math, an average new system is 5kw.

I heard yesterday that the US is now at 90% of the world’s opiod use. 90%. I know so many people who are using. Some are dealing with chronic pain and are physically dependent, some are addicted, some are lucky enough to be only recreational users at this point... It makes my heart hurt.