
Funny how facts (scientific, economic etc.) have an inherently liberal bias...

The Model S has a fake grille. People were shitting on that when the Model S first came around.

Tell that to my 17 hour, 3 stop road trip to the beach.

The range was stated at 215 miles. 215mi/60mph=3.6 hours...that’s if you take it to fully empty, and you wait for full charge instead of only the 20min 80% supercharge, so likely less than 3.6 hours per driving stint. I don’t think I said anything disparaging about not meeting range, so arguing that the Model S meets

Be honest: how often do you think the average Jalop pays attention to how fast they’re going?

The surface detailing on the 3 is much more crisp and architectural than the S, which has a far softer feel to it.

Perfectly said said. ;)

I find the screens in Tesla’s easy to use when it is on auto steer and adaptive cruise control. The future is kind of awesome.

Ugly-ass GM hatchback or sexy luxurious Tesla?

that makes as much sense as demanding motorcycles get door handles...

No, they don’t. And that, kids, is what you call progress

Well, you have to remember, Christie is a crooked douchbag.

Didn’t state Federal, it is a state thing, and far-too-common in too many states. PA and NJ affect me directly. And Christie wants to fight online car sales tooth-and-nail and has shown this in fighting with “allowing” Teslas to be sold in his state.

For every woman who chooses to wear the hijab there are at least 1000 others who are forced to wear it by their fathers, husbands, or their government.

It’s only freedom and agency if we have the choice to decline if we wish.

hijab-wearing Muslim women are very well exerting agency in their dress.

Sorry, but this thing is just gaudy. The cheesy red seat stitching and tow hooks and massive hood decal will still look good int the trailer park in twenty years, but for that money it shouldn’t have so much liquid cheese on it.

I would never.

Certainly the comments on various articles on this site are inconsistent. Zoe Saldana is the worst for not being black-looking enough (which is the only thing I can think to call it when the allegation is that her features are too European-seeming to properly represent Nina Simone); but Polanco’s declaration that