As a cadet, this was louder in person than in the video. It was awesome
As a cadet, this was louder in person than in the video. It was awesome
Obama and kids! Have you seen this amazingness? This girl who will miss Obama as our president gets me.
Blades appear to slow down while the engines’s sound pitches up. Smart money points to transmission failure.
Consensus on Reddit among (self-identified) helicopter pilots is that it wasn’t VRS, but instead a drivetrain failure. Watch the video and you’ll see how little rotor speed there is when it crashes, and you can hear the tail rotor RPM climbing.
Of course electric vehicle tax credits and emission credits are government subsidies. But they’re available to everyone. Whereas the $40 billion to save GM was only really available to GM. And if those subsidies went away Tesla may or may not survive.
Tesla repayed their loan 9 years early and might not have needed it. We won’t know and Tesla pursued that loan because it had a low interest rate. To qualify for that loan, Tesla had to demonstrate its ability to survive without that loan.
Eh. I’ve had plenty of dudes run screaming from me based on my intellect/job/demanding personality. I’ve also dated guys that found those traits really attractive. It’s almost as if men are all unique beings with their own likes and desires...
Calm down there, Satan.
Trump would have nuked Tehran
I’m not sure you understand how diplomacy works...
Would you rather bloodshed?
Humiliation? Please. We’d have done the same thing if a bunch of Iranian sailors drifted into one of our harbors.
How is it a humiliation? We avoided over reaction and bloodshed and a simple accident was treated as just that, an accident.
Nobody was even talking about lifting sanctions on Iran until Obama unilaterally opened talks with them for no reason other than his ego.
Putin and Russia have never given nuclear weapons to anyone ever and why would they, a bomb kind of lowers the amount of weapons they would need to buy. It’s actually bad for Russia that Iranian oil will be sold again. The negotiations were started by the international community not Obama. They have not rejected the…
Just FYI, I came here specifically looking for this. Thanks for what you do.
I realize it’s probably an issue of production limitations, but the sexy curves along the sides of the concept are very watered down on the production model. Looks a lot more “slab-sided”. Really diminishes the visual energy of the shape. Not a bad looking car, in my opinion. Just seems to be missing that dash of…
Three thoughts:
and it’ll automatically charge itself along the journey
Until you have a kid, you don’t really understand why people do this, but once you do you will inevitably do it too; it’s all about development benchmarks and pediatric visits, which are all in months up until about age two. After that most parents switch to years (or at least fractions like 2 and a half).