Decriminalized? Really?
Decriminalized? Really?
Trump is rich and many Republicans (not all!) are bafflingly stupid.
I really enjoyed FTA before, and kind of still do now, but lately it’s really veering off towards becoming a “F-35 sucks!” propaganda site. The constant negative articles about the F-35 almost makes it seem like Tyler has an agenda against the plane.
Saying this about generals and admirals that I'm quite certain you don't even know who they are is kinda gross and demeaning of the people who put their lives on the line and who love their service above all else.
“The drumbeat here regarding the F-35 is always factual as far as I can tell, but the spin put on those facts is invariably as negative as possible.”
Are you kidding? Even in it’s current state of development, the F-35 is a generation ahead of anything else, except the F-22. Why is it that you always assume that the general officers making these decisions are all incompetent, politically-motivated hacks, instead of professionals making a judgment call based on a…
The use of solitary in US prisons is insane, I cannot possibly disagree. If your average uncooperative drug offender were a prisoner of war any American jail warden would end up in The Hague.
It panned out just fine. Contrary to popular belief, the ABL (YAL-1) was never intended to be an operational platform for ICBM interdiction. It was designed to loiter over the battlefield and take out IRBMs like the SCUD. Towards the middle of the testing phase, it was decided that IRBMs were being effectively dealt…
Isn’t this more of a figure of speech than actual murder talk?
So someone wanna tell me at which point Tom got into the M3, then ducked down into the footwell, found the fusebox, removed the airbag fuse, and then did all this? Cause in real life, one small crash would cause the bags to deploy.
Somebody posted a not-so-flattering article about a certain male Gawker CFO that may or may not have requested the services of a male escort, and then Gawker Media decided to take it down to cover their asses.
Tesla now releases vehicles based on the US Presidential election cycle. Or is it women’s World Cup schedule? I can’t remember.
Putin, amazingly, seems completely determined to repeat all the mistakes of his Soviet predecessors. They, too, had a habit of crafting prototypes with amazing capabilities, only to settle for far less able production models due to cost (usually compensating by churning out an ungodly number of them). Russia’s problem…
“Why pay 337M for F35C”
The Russians have the military-industrial infrastructure, but not the means to pay for the weapons. Sounds like an opportunity for the U.S. to energize just enough of an alarms race to collapse the Putin dynasty.
How quickly can they get Griffin missiles on those ships? They can help.
It came 61 years after the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk. Fifty years later, it's still unbeaten. That's kind of sad.