
Dude! Did you just fat shame a wombat!?!?!

Isn't it the post by the Iranian President that is brave?

I want to scream about Guardians of the Galaxy! That shit was good!! Fuck you, Pinkham!!!

Most fratbros and gymbros aren't clever and witty enough for innuendo. They figure they'd love to get pics of tits, she must like getting pics of dicks.

I moved to So-Cal specifically to live in flip-flops so I didn't even know animal print was still in style.

Multiple kicks to the head when you're on the ground is not a submission, nor is it self-defense, it's being an asshole, and something you should be charged for as well, since it's on tape.

which proves what? That Gaza isn't very good at what they're trying to do?

No, this isn't about me being offended. This is about you being offensive. Own it.

Maybe they are doing it for them. Maybe it's not about you. Maybe they are teenagers who involuntarily have to serve in an army because they came out of a vagina in Israel. Maybe they are happy they don't live in a state that has the "right of return" for Palestinians so that an Islamist gov will be implemented

Because you just wrote a post about, giving the cause more exposure, no pun intended.

Just 20 more years! Be patient!

I teared up, inexplicably.

I saw it live, and her awesomeness had me in tears. And I'm a dude. A strange one, but still.

I am a big fan of this show, and I was literallly jumping up and down while she ran this course. Badass indeed!

At least they could stream the screen to the broadcast. The guy on Fox just held his computer up to the camera.

I don't have strong opinions about Lebron either way, but I was hoping he would go back to Cleveland. To me he never looked right in a Heat jersey. He's a Cav all the way. I also like how he likened four years in Miami to most kids going to college. Well played by him, and actually, I can see where he's coming from

Because, Cleveland.

Love that Fox 8 doesn't have the technical know-how to throw a webpage up on the screen so the guy just holds up his laptop to the camera.

The best part about this whole video is the driver, who really just looks more confused than anything.

It's Foxtrot Alpha, Jalopnik's military sub-blog. You can't understand conflict without context, and context is what I'm (admittedly feebly) trying to provide. We've got plenty of other posts not concerning militaries and armed conflicts around the world, if you're not into it.