Wow. I mean your points were good ones 30 years ago, but today this is just a train wreck. Guess how I can tell you have never been involved with anything to do with the Navy?
Wow. I mean your points were good ones 30 years ago, but today this is just a train wreck. Guess how I can tell you have never been involved with anything to do with the Navy?
The reason why we have big carriers is so we can launch big planes with big payloads.
I'll be honest. There's a part of me that smiles whenever my kid blatantly lies about something. Yes, I explain why it's wrong to lie and the difference between lying and the truth. But it gives my heart a bit of joy to see that devious little shit's wheel's spinning to try to get himself out of a jam.
They say kids learning to lie at this age is a necessary step in cognitive development. It signals higher thought processes and their intent is not really to deceive but to tell a story how they see it in their heads.
I'm sure this poster is intelligent, but after reading his comment, and skimming through it a second time, I'm not sure how.
Microsoft is in the process of rolling out a new Xbox One update that, among some other minor fixes, addresses one…
Here's an alternative read on the situation, which is equally supported by the facts in this article: The woman drank a lot of alcohol (drinks prepared by her), then smoked weed, didn't realize she had too much of one or both, and passed out. A man she'd had a sexual relationship with tried to initiate sex with her,…
I'm not anti-gun, and I'm not "making an issue about the horribleness of guns." You can't deny that fatally stabbing ten people is a lot harder and a lot less likely than fatally shooting ten people. It's just a fact. And that's why I'm glad he wasn't shooting people in there.
God help me if I know what other post…
Cool. Does this mean we'll be seeing more reprints from the Aviationintel site in the future?:
You certainly cared enough to read it and comment. So I say the same to you: people on the internet have opinions every single second of every single day. Thousands of more inane or offensive articles have been written in the time that it took me to write this sentence. Don't pretend that because it involves your…