Jonny Gray

I read a couple of different recaps of Discovery each week, and I find that they say a lot more about the particular reviewer and what he or she expects STAR TREK to be than about the particular show.

Damn hell I loved it. Overall the season has been pretty uneven in my opinion, lots of meh, some straight up ugh, but these last two episodes have been fantastic. Cop out or not I’m glad Bill didn’t die. Capaldi has been a truly amazing Doctor and I’m sad that some people seem to have written of his tenure as the

Okay, I can’t fault you for the whole “space puddle ex machina” comment, because that’s what it was. But it was also a fantastic send off for Bill. And they did kinda’ sorta’ leave a hint from the beginning, with the tears, but absolutely no one would have ever caught it, so the ex machina comment still qualifies.

Didn’t the Doctor say “I hope so” ?

Honestly, I’d start at the beginning of season 8. The season (and the 12th doctor, tbh) gets off to a really wobbly start but I think you have to go from the beginning with 12 to get the full effect. (I’d also avoid any of the episodes written by Gatiss, not because of the performances but because his episodes are

I already posted my thoughts in the discussion post, but:
1. I think Capaldi is far and away the best actor they’ve ever had on this show. Nothing against any of the other actors, but he was magnificent, particularly in this last episode. They’re going to have a really hard time finding someone who is even close to

I really wasn’t sure about Bill from that teaser we saw either, but she won me round really quickly.

  • Sure, it was done to keep Pearl Mackie in the episode as much as possible, but having Bill around as that’s how she still perceives herself cut in to everyone else seeing the Mondasian Cybermen she has been turned into was stunningly effective at getting across the tragedy of the Cybermen as a concept.

Thanks for this, everything you mentioned is precisely why I was ok with how everything was wrapped up. Sure it would’ve been nice to have it all actually neatly tied together without having to wait for a Christmas special...but it is what it is.

I haven’t read the article yet, but I wanted to post this since Saturday.

Really good finale (after a very meh season) and a really good ending for the Doctor and Bill (who I liked a lot more than I thought I would after seeing the teaser trailer way back when). The Master and Missy turning on each other was heartbreaking but perfect for the character, it’s just too bad we probably won’t be

Blogger Doom vs Fantastic 4Chan

The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin: After reading it, my mind was truly opened to the possibility of a society without the hierarchical, coercive socioeconomic norms we now suffer.

This is an easy one.

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. Yeah, I look back on it now and its naive and overly preachy but boy did it change my world view when I read it at 22. Its pretty much the hippy-granola-multicultural version of an Ayn Rand novel.

I totally surrendered to Charles Yu's How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe in terms of going along with its instructional premise. I didn't always understand, but the story was so engaging that it made me want to grapple with it.

I don't know if it made me smarter but reading The Dispossessed completely changed the way I saw the world.

Ahhh, trope analyzing. For when you just can't hold in your pee anymore, and there is a handy bowl of fantasy cheerios nearby. -.- I get it. Some things are cliche, but seriously? If it's written properly, you either don't notice the trope, or you don't care. Or sometimes you glory in its incredibly cheese.