Jonny Gray

OMG. The toxic fandom of TLJ is so five minutes ago. We’ve moved on to bashing the new Doctor, thank you very much. Women in charge of things, breaking and remaking old plot formulas, troubling clear black and white morality, and refusing to play to fans’ proprietary nostalgia. It’s the end of the universe, people!

Mastodon seems to be getting a lot of Tumblr refugees. The decentralized server in that platform (lots of local networks with access to a federated network between them) seems to get around some of the problems. Some local networks are taking a stance against (certain types) of NSFW postings. Others aren’t, and are

I don’t know about garlic and vinegar. Tea Tree oil definitely repels arthropods. Peppermint oil does wonders for repelling spiders and many insects (though it tends to attract cats). Neither of them have very long lasting effects, though, as their effectiveness tends to dissipate in under a day.


Thank you. I feel like you and I saw the same episode. I am definitely in the “Loved it” camp. I also agree about your quibble, though I let it go for the sake of the narrative. Sometimes story trumps concept, even when the concept is supremely cool. And there is really something powerful and thematically resonant

Flash Gordon!!!!! Oh sure, someone will say this is S/F and not fantasy. But really, it owes more to the genre of fantasy than S/F. "Bring on the bore worms." "No! Not the bore worms!!!!" It's so cheesy I Camembert it! :-)

Fun list of episodes here...but they prove and disprove your point, simultaneously. The show can have very scientific inspirations and even include scientifically accurate plot points, but often-as-not alongside ridiculous flights of fancy. Yes, "Kill the Moon" should be on this list. If the moon suddenly got denser

Yeah, I think you missed the boat on this review. I think the series (this season, particularly) does a pretty good job revising the monsters of its history and exploring new forms of life and threat. What I have liked about this season is that it has had more of a thematic than a plot-driven arc. In doing so, it

Aw, c'mon. Really? By this same logic, let's add some other overused tropes of fantasy:

Phantom Stranger should never be a hero. He's a mystery, a stranger, a phantom. He helps heroes, but no one knows fully why. As a long time fan, I follow his title in the New 52. But boy, is it hard to do at times. His origin is sedimented now as Judas Iscariot — and that's only the start of his problems. God is a

Who: Donna Noble (Dr. Who)

So...Ollie and Moira Queen are doing the Sam and Dean Wincester thing? "I'll work with you, but we're no longer family." Lot of that going around lately. And yeah, that's gonna work... :-/

Emit "Nilevar" to travel in time!

Relax! Now you will forget your—

If I only had a heart...

"But Captain, it's just one tribble."

"But Captain, it's just one tribble."