I hope her cunt mother goes to jail and loses custody of this girl and any other children she has forever. She doesn’t deserve to be anyone’s mother.
I hope her cunt mother goes to jail and loses custody of this girl and any other children she has forever. She doesn’t deserve to be anyone’s mother.
Fuck everyone in this story except for the girl and the police who found her. I hope all of these terrible adults get exactly what they deserve.
It is beyond me why the media keeps presenting this small child’s story as some kind of fact. A kid got lost in the woods and made up a story. Welcome to being three years old, folks.
I don’t need a spare tire, either. But I have one for the same reason I have a handgun: Precaution.
Look, racing movies nearly always suck as movies, but it’s better than no racing movies. Let’s not fall into the very-2018 trap of “any observations from an outsider of our narrow walled-off culture is an insult of the highest order”.
Dude, how can you shit on the 2JZ? That motor can power a 10 second car. I know cuz I live my life a quarter mile at a time and like watched all the F&F movies.
If you see all the videos in that vimeo video series, one of the white kids in the maga group says to the native americans: “land get stolen all the time, it’s the way of the world man”
The shutdown made TSA employees likeable.
Are they planning a Cars and Coffee event under it tomorrow?
With apologies to my fellow Jalops, I like this and am actually interested in buying one*. Glad to finally see some real details on it.
Want to love it. Don’t love it.
Lindsay did not listen to anything that girl said. She made up her own story for her in her head and just went with it. People not listening when I’m being clear is a huge pet peeve of mine. That conversation was so uncomfortable to watch. Does Lindsay ever interact with real people because that is not how human conve…
The problem IMO is this also doesn’t get the attention of civil rights activists, football players, notable people and made a national headline if they didn’t jump to the conclusion it was either. If this was just another drive by with an innocent child killed, which happens ALL THE TIME around where I live, do you…
Especially in Texas....bullshit. California, NY, NJ, Michigan, Mass, Ohio, Kentucky, Arizona, DC and Washington State all have much higher rates of hate crimes reported. Texas actually ranks in the bottom ten states of reported hate crimes. Ten times more likely in Massachusetts than Texas, according to 2017…
No, it is race baiting, or at least stereotyping, to assume that race was a factor.
Your battery level is stressing me out
Do we think there is any question that Harris County, the death penalty capital of the US for decades, is going to somehow go easy on these guys in a high-profile case now that it turns out they’re just run-of-the-mill gangbanger murderers of a seven year-old instead of racially motivated murderers of a seven…
I hope all the activists and protesters that were out there looking for justice are going to continue to follow the case and demand justice at the suspects hearings etc.
I’m glad the bastards were caught. but people need to stop with the race-baiting. I understand that witnessing something like that can jumble your memory. But spinning this as a hate crime was too far. People need to start working with cops to eliminate gangs.
To me, Joe Rogan at his worst is still a lot better than Stern ever was.