
This has been avant garde automotive journalism theater. Please tune in next time for Bjork hooning a Raptor while yodeling.

I wrote a comment for this article that was so funny, so thoughtful, that it literally sent Kinja into a seizure. Now the world will never know.

OK, let us both know then.

...someone missed the satire of this response to the satire of the post. >___>

Que the Budweiser ad. "Real American Hero!"

Yes. Definitely. I'd go so far as to say you might as well cash out your accounts and light the money on fire if you didn't. Do NOT own a e9x M3 without a warranty. Main reasons

Why would Jeep want to embroil itself in a political controversy over property rights? What could it possibly have to gain? It's nice that you'll have your political beliefs affirmed, but there is some non zero percentage of jeep owners who own property and probably want to have a say over how it gets used and by

So, here's a tip: Instead of just assuming something sucks and then going around telling everyone else it sucks, maybe try it first. You never know. You might be surprised.

Interestingly, the NHTSA has announced that they will not consider this idea because — and I am quoting regulatory documents here — it is "the single stupidest thing we have ever heard."


How about this:

I <3 u guys but goddamn...