Ford listen to me:
Ford listen to me:
When the renters total it (again) good fucking luck to ya with the insurance lawyers.
...Beyond the rarity factor alone, the wing, the cowl behind the rear seats,...
I read that in James May’s voice.
Sorry that’s tacky.
^^ This.
Ah, easy peasy.
Just no.
That’s some effort. I haven’t typed an email that long in ages.
I bought one in 2003 and kept it til 2007.
Let me penne my response:
In trucking we like to talk about a driver with a horrible safety streak that the only thing he hasn’t hit is the lottery.
Two words:
Superleggera LaSuperleggera
Forklift not parked with the gas turned off? 1k from what I remember. Forklift parked without parking brake, I think 5k.
That grille looks like chicken wire.
At this time 0841 EST there are 27 people who are idiots.
Props on the k-hole reference.
I don’t see Tesla hiring union employees, period.