My gin and fizzy water with bitter lemon disagrees.
My gin and fizzy water with bitter lemon disagrees.
Euclid: one of the first inner-ring suburb to benefit from white flight in Cleveland. Not surprised at the actions but surprised at the preservation of the video.
Old man here but I was 12/13 when the original was released and it was a sleepover game that started about 7 and ended about 4.
They’re not police (they may be but are not in an official capacity here) they are the three percenters and oath keepers aka the racist’s militia.
Trump is responsible for moving from dog whistles and winks and nods to verbal support/political cover that has allowed these “master racers” to feel emboldened to act openly.
Exactly what my wife told our boys last night.
Little man-babies can’t even make a proper torch anymore — how are they gonna succeed in intimidation with tiki torches from China? Beta white-supremacist cucks is more like it.
Bear spray the entire fuckin’ lot of them. $13 a can online and in stores.
No, we went there for just basics to see if it was worth it.
Lobster is nasty as are crab legs. Nasty, nasty sweet meat.
The majority of the revenue and fans come from Bawlmore County and the others around. It’s not about the City at all.
And you beat me to the elite punch but, really, Flacco is not an elite quarterback.
There’s a big difference between depraved indifference anal transmission and spitting on someone with regard to “self-weaponizing” HIV. He knew he was positive yet took no steps to protect the molestees which is the heart of the legal definition: the deliberate perpetration of a knowingly dangerous act with reckless…
I have shopped at a Whole Foods once and was shocked at the prices — how do people justify spending that big of a percentage of their income?
We go to Aldi and can’t wait for the Lidl to open up this fall.
So guilty before proven innocent? And innocence only derived from 360 degree monitoring — is that in real time? How do we know that the 360 degree footage has not been doctored? Who monitors the monitors?
It is incumbent upon the streamer to provide the evidence not suppositional posits from the chattering viewers.
Israel is acting no differently than apartheid-era South Africa. BDS worked then to force a negotiated solution so what is yours: a one state, two peoples? A one state, one peoples (Arab eviction)? Two-state-two peoples?
Two problems (not denying that CTE won’t be found to be prevalent among football players) with this from a strictly scientific POV: sample size and composition. It is not large enough nor does it comprise a wide swath of former players.
That being said, it is why we are not allowing our two boys to play football.
Yeah and it gives a bad name to those of us who strive to be apolitical and ecumenical with our Pack and Troop.
Yes and as a Scout leader it was abhorrent. Our Pack strives to be free of political and religious discussion but other leaders are not so scrupulous.
Had six years plus three with ‘Bron. It’s a mindset that Jackson instilled in that other team and he does not have it.
Fully agree that was part of the problem but how many times was he late to help and/or beaten off the dribble?