I think you meant Elon Myst.
I think you meant Elon Myst.
It. Simply. Does. Not. Matter.
One can adhere 100% to any guideline but until the police are trained better and held accountable — stop hiring marginal candidates who shoot at any twitch — any stop is a crapshoot for anyone who is not white.
Much like the “opioid epidemic” whitewash, until it hit whites nothing will be…
It literally would take no more than 5-10% increase in turnout. The problem is how to convince/engage the voting bloc you correctly identified. Many of the gerrymander problems or wildly-disproportionate state legislature problem would correct themselves.
Districts drawn by independent commissions (or judges), vote by…
The “big stadium deal” was already approved for the Q: a $140M expansion/renovation with a 50-50 private*/public split supposedly. There may be a petition drive to take it to a ballot question but unsure as to where that stands.
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Nothing because we use Aldi and later this summer will be checking out the new Lidl stores opening in the area.
God Dammit. I should have listened to you, Deadspin and commenters, as to what an assclown of an owner he is.
Poster boy for prolapsed rectums (to the Google — Oh. My. God. No.).
And they wonder why we’re skeptical of the general public and the fads they fall for (without adequate testing and peer-review) despite the warnings that this is worse than beef fat and butter . . . .
Then again, it’s probably just “BIG FAT” that paid for the study. Or not enough alkaline water. Though coconut oil is…
I do not feel she is being singled out but instead having the same punishment meted out to the lowest common denominator in the group. You know it’s always that one kid who takes it too far and in the face of the teenage wall of silence gets max punishment for all.
As an old Dad, I have to agree with her Dad. He has it…
Interesting. Several of my friends in Elementary School did not recite the pledge for religious reasons (JWs) but they were allowed to sit or stand quietly.
Yes, we do but the most rosy wargamed scenarios still have 80,000 casualties in/around Seoul alone and hope to limit it to 200,ooo in ROK over the course of the first 4-5 days until the DPRK offensive capabilities are degraded. Not to mention the fact that there are 2 million foreign nationals (1M Chinese followed by…
With Gary Gnoose?
MJ still five short and Kobe six short of Bill Russell so your argument is invalid.
Almost 50 — and despite being a homer (Cavs fan from the early 70s) — I agree especially during the 2015 playoffs/Finals but the 2007 Detroit game showed what happens when, like MJ, he imposes his will:
This was his best work — Alex: The Life of a Child
Read it in college (“New Journalism”) when it came out.
White Christian Extremist? Male White Christian Extremist? Male White Nationalist Christian Extremist? Male White Nationalist Christian Extremist Domestic Terrorist? Why is this not in your chyron, Fox News? They are all factually true: Male? Check. White? Check. Christian? Check. Extremist? Check. Racist? Check.…
Not by much. Would have been a better starting matchup but the Wizards defense and bench are ass.
4-2 at best, likely 4-1 CLE.