but it does: Fronch dressing. Fronch fries. Fronch bread. And to drink . . . Peru!
but it does: Fronch dressing. Fronch fries. Fronch bread. And to drink . . . Peru!
. . . yet this assholes enables Trumpasshole by laying out the correct way to do it.
He was a big espouser of the “Unitary Executive Theory” in GWB’s time.
I want to smash, set fires, punch facists &c. in line with my DK-lovin, anarchy-graffii-ing teenage self but I have a mortgage, job, kids, &c.
I just need a black hoodie and mask, right? No one will know.
They “prohibit” it but our Pack does not push religion nor politics. All are welcome.
I gave my Webelo (Arrow of Light) son a high-five when we heard it on the radio coming back from him visiting different Troops for Boy Scouts. He was happy as well because he did not like what they did to the boy in NJ.
Not “most” of Cleveland. I prefer going back to the Spiders or why not the Cleveland Buckeyes. I only wear the block C hat & Spiders shirt and it was harder than hell to find a beanie for my 8-year-old that did not have the name or the caricature.
The boys will be getting the CLE over a baseball logo that many of my…
They’re assholes?
They would have to be “independent” investigations rather than simple prosecutions. I believe the lawyer was saying that what seemed like an attempt to remain impartial by convening this allowed her exposure to the suit.
All biased prosecutors have to do is conduct a sham Grand Jury proceeding a la McGinty in Cuyahoga…
It is up to them to negotiate the parameters of the experimentation. It is not a black/white decision.
You would be surprised regarding the number of women accepting the latter sentence.
1973, I’m in first grade, Oberlin, OH. We are talking about the south and the “Jim Crow” laws when everyone turns and looks at me.
Scarred to this day.
Yes, the failing-upwards “sane” face of the dismantle America party.
Mom. Ma. That’s it.
solidarność now, solidarność forevah!
Should have been a surtax to pay for the increased spending and DoD supplementals for the War on Terror. The Federal Telephone Excise Tax paid for many a military conflict.
But there has to be a political will to actually pay down the deficit which the incoming administration lacks — they’re counting on 4% growth to…
You’re crazy. Union Station is an ever-increasing mess and I don’t even want to go to work tomorrow with all the security theatre.
My wife will see you at the March.
Amen. Flexible schedules or telecommuting in shitty commuting areas (looking at you MARC / WMATA) would be my 3.
Yeah, accuracy and facts are pedantic. Thanks for noticing!
Except that his anaolgy is not correct -- it is more as if they are on your front sidewalk -- as it is public (not private) property.
So there’s 24.2 out of 11,000. Maybe it was for the .2?
Ture — he may have preached the heretical prosperity gospel but did not have the prosperity of the the RC church and adherents in high political office to effect the coverup.
Public figures do not get to preach scientifically discredited practices that damage while remaining closeted under a “right to privacy.”