Diminishing Skills

Now, Miss Birdy . . . .

To honor Hamburg Tang, I am renaming myself after two disparate foodstuffs in the immediate future.

That is over 13x the size of my house and we only have six closets (including coat and linen) so I believe it actually needs 78 closets. It is woefully under-closeted.

Is it me or is the waif a slightly deranged, dour Bridget Fonda circa Singles?

Draymond flopped or he is weaker than we are led to believe because that was not a throw.

“Larry Bird doesn’t do as much ball handling as you do.”

Enough with the thinly-veiled homoeroticism, Draymond, just kiss him already. I know Adams rejected you but there may still be time left before the season is over.

Anyone doing Draymond fanfic for Kindle? No? All the monies are mine *rubs hands together greedily*.

Prolapsed cloacas are extremely hard to swallow. Feel the Barn!

It is more like consoles can’t run the PC mods due to hardware limitations.

Plus general assholery behavior regarding the aforementioned death threats, whining, incessant hounding, &c.

It is Case Western Reserve University formed by the merger of the Case Institute of Technology with Western Reserve University.

Not that I spent ten years there . . . .

Utility sink in the basement is the pissoir c’est pour le mieux.

Now playing

Cuyahoga River. Jesus Horatio Christ get it fuckin’ right.

I sure as Hell will not be siding with the Children of Atom. F’them and their gamma guns when they ambushed me near Hangman’s Alley so many levels ago. They are DoS.

Oil, with some charcoal.

Now playing

Funniest news I saw today is that RNC delegates will be housed in the new Oberlin hotel — my hometown should have some shennanigans planned.

So 90% of Trump’s voting bloc wishes they were Rex Kramer without the repercussions? I now understand why half of my Catholic HS Class of ‘85 supports him.

Thompson then Delly.

If I still lived in Lorain County then the Chronicles would simply be versimilitude as I was born, alive, in Elyria.

I know someone who was fired from his office, before he was speaker, because they did not keep the five-o-clock-fun-time-credenza properly stocked.

I think he will be jailed in a prison medical facility, either Springfield (MO) or Butner (NC), but will be released a bit early for good behavior (currently 54 days for each “good time” year served) if the “deteriorating medical condition” does not claim him first.

Despite being in a medical facility, he will be