
“I don’t agree with this person”
“Let’s just comb through their social media accounts and make them look like a loser”
“But we could do that to any-”
“Thats not the point, the point is clicks!”

One part NBC didn’t skimp on? The introduction of the U.S. delegation, which in real life took 62 seconds but which appeared on American television to take more than seven minutes. (They looped parts, which is why you heard the same portion of Psy’s “Gangnam Style” over and over again.)

Suck it trebek

It’s friday.

Fucking sucks

“Hey Jimi! It’s your cousin, Marvin. Marvin Hendrix. Remember that new sound you were looking for? Well listen to this!”

Unless you’re going to issue half-game suspensions, there’s not enough granularity in an NFL schedule to make these penalties equitable.

“There’s an awful lot of room on that plane.”

El Popo is scary as fuck, and has been really active recently. Don’t let that get in the way of your narrative though...

Who stays out at a nightclub until 8:30 in the morning and only racks up a $40 tab?

I know Deadspin and this series of websites have no issue with the protests during the anthem, and that’s fine. (I personally am not bothered by the kneeling)

Yeah, right. If he was so good ten years ago, then how come he’s not on the Cavs?

it’s global warming dammit - don’t try to come in here with your local, historical data. We won’t have it.

Deadspin has a very similar background to barstool that these articles refuse to acknowledge. There are certainly some instances where barstool has continued to be pretty borderline on content, bringing up pieces written 3-5 years ago is pretty disingenuous when deadspin has plenty of that in their history. While you

I think there could be a distinction between what she said about the NFL and what she said about Trump. The NFL is one of ESPN’s biggest customers. Trump is the president. It’s not at all crazy to me that my employer might have something to say in respect of my public comments about the former, but not the latter.

I used to have these same questions. Then I decided to treat conjoined twins as one person with two heads. Now I sleep better.

Ben Roethlisberger introduced the players’ three choices

They don’t mind them protesting, they just don’t like the way they are protesting. Wait a minute...

“Kneeling is good, it’s drawing attention to a cause”

OK, so time for my new favorite thing: ask Deadspin.