I came here for exactly this
I came here for exactly this
This is just proof that folks on the internet will take a side and argue about literally ANYTHING
What’s it like to think about him constantly?
So you think some sort of justice is being served by you going after the security officers now?
I grew up in a rural town in Pennsylvania where a steel mill closed and sent the entire town into poverty. Isn’t it possible that people in towns like these voted for Trump because they are desperate for a change? Why does it always have to be “Yeah, these uneducated white men voted for Trump because they are…
Get ‘em up!
You mean Alex Gonzalez’s booted double play hurt?
Would it really surprise you if Kim Kardashian were at least somewhat successful in a presidential campaign 30 years from now?
This is barely correct. Yes the salary cap exists because it is implemented by the NFL, but this isn’t really the fault of the Broncos. Even if the Broncos were partially at fault, they still have to operate within the salary cap, just like all other teams.
I like how you mention "making 100k a year" like it's the promised land. Have a couple of kids and then come talk to me about $100k a year...
So Bomani Jones starts off a discussion about racism by side-swiping women? I guess Bomani can "keep his lady friends under control".
In police terms, it means "illegal carrying of gun". WTF?
Everything seemed normal until Officer Scott Angulo was named MVP of the BCS Championship game...
It's clear that the firing of Rice was necessary. However, firing the AD is simply an effort to keep the "homophobia crazies" away.
The biggest thing that stood out to me is that Jovan Belcher was an undrafted player who probably made a few hundred thousand dollars per year. And yet, he was driving a Bentley? A car which costs a few hundred thousand dollars? A fool and his money...
I'm pretty sure abortions are done the using the same method...