
1) What's Hale's game? Not with Avery - I can imagine that, but with Boyd? How can she possibly expect that Boyd, if he ever finds himself in possession of $3 million, would share it with her and Duffy?
2) Theory: Hale and Avery are setting Boyd up somehow. (That also explains why Avery insulted Boyd on his way

1) I love that SciFi has essentially admitted that the only point to Helix is craziness. #WhatTheHelix indeed.

"Otter eyes" is perfect. I am kind of digging the idea that Cole fundamentally just wants to erase his whole life - it makes for some interesting motivations.

Awesome recap. I am going to keep watching this show so I can read your recaps.

I'd say it's not the Onion because the Onion doesn't have an overt political POV, but just swings liberal because that's what its writers generally find funny, while Hebdo is explicitly political.

" They just wrote a piece of paper and said, “This is going to be the gig.” And it started a country. And it’s funny to think that’s how our country started. A bunch of guys signed a piece of paper and that’s our country."

I remember that, and was surprised that no one picked up on that straight line. I assume either they live in fear of PS or their mouths were full of healthy snacks from NatureBox.

So is the introduction mocking Manson or playing it straight? I seriously can't tell.

"Deboot" is a better word. Get to popularizing it, tvtropes!

She has a name, you know. It's DJ Treasure Doll!

I sort of assumed this was like Highlander 3 and we were just forgetting any of that unpleasantness happened. But even if not, (1) the Statue of Liberty takes 20-30 seconds and several Jurassic Park steps through MANHATTAN, and no one ever looks at it either time? (2) Where does it go when it's finished time

I sort of assumed this was like Highlander 3 and we were just forgetting any of that unpleasantness happened. But even if not, (1) the Statue of Liberty takes 20-30 seconds and several Jurassic Park steps through MANHATTAN, and no one ever looks at it either time? (2) Where does it go when it's finished time

I thought that too, but given that Irisa made the original deal in order to bring Nolan back from the dead, there's a decent chance Nolan is already infected with the terraformer zombie thingy.

That must have been quite a brain washing.

The show has been teasing us with that breakup all season, as Boyd considered and rejected passes from the estonian and whats her name. Since the pilot, Boyd's story has always been that he throws himself into each new thing 150%, then drops it when it doesn't bring him peace. One of the questions this season was

I kind of dig Helix. It's like an episode of Fringe where there is no Oliva or Peter, just mad scientists front to back.

"Is exploding a stockpile of chemical weapons with a drone actually a good idea? Wouldn't that just release it into the atmosphere?"

I was thinking about that IT guy for Krieger, but it didn't quite work. AND I forgot all about Cyril. (Constable Patton Oswald, maybe?)

Gholem was an odd name choice, since there is a DC character by that name who did interact with the Suicide Squad. (He's an Israeli superagent with Clayface/Metamorpho powers, IIRC). I would have named him Raban and brought him back next season.

I'm sure this has already been said about a hundred times, and I hate writing "white male privilege," but with Archer getting called on his in this week's episode, it's super obvious how Raylan and Archer are both playing with the idea.