
On this show, any zombie friends of Liv are probably going to have something bad happen to them (even more than her living friends!) - it's too complicated it you have a bunch of friendly zombies, all of whom need their own brain supply and are having their own quirky subplots.

I love that Major's dialogue is so quippy - making him so much more verbally funny than everyone else distinguishes his character and makes him more than a Riley Finn clone. Case in point ("Because it's not 1987!") was a great line, and while the other quippy characters might get a line like that from time to time,

Work of Art was awesome. It was great to watch the artestants strive for ways to get and hold the judges' attention. (Winning recipe generally seems to be technical competence + social commentary + some sales pitch after the fact, although "striking and original idea" often wins a given round).

I had forgotten Major's last name. I loved Ravi's defense of his bangability, Payton's law-talking, Blaine being Blaine, but seeing Major's name written out was seriously the funniest moment for me.

Major is running away with this show. That and seeing his full name were the high points of the episode.

It's like Season One Dexter - every brain she eats leads to some revelation about her character, just like Dexter's season one kills always led to some moment of self-realization.

A lot of potential plot twists coming up.
1) Assuming that Blaine is behind the body dump, does he have a new plan to obtain brains, and if so, what is it?

The writers on this show are so awesome that they've found a way to make Major interesting. It really works to have him out there moving the arc plot forward, even when Liv does relatively humorous case of the week episodes.

Also, even after the head shot, Blaine froze the two meat heads, so Blaine may not be sure it works. (Although I think Liv killed her friend from the party)

It would be cool, if depressing, if the resolution to this arc was that Blaine and his customers ate Major, were afflicted by momentary goodness, and destroyed themselves.

Random basement baby is pretty much just a red herring so it's not certain that Caleb is either Soren or Jarjar.

Loved this episode. Cole going back to save Ramse was super-powerful, and only the second hint we've gotten that it's even *possible* for a time traveller to change the future.

Add Enver Gjokaj and I'm in.

There's no way the customers could believe for long that they're eating grave brains. "Um, Blaine, every time I eat one of your expensive gourmet dishes, I start recovering memories of being a different drifter who gets into your van to help you look for a lost puppy . . ."

I honestly assume that Raylan probably did sleep with Ava.

1) Did Ballaseros's delivery seem weirdly formal and stilted to anyone else? Last season, he did his lines naturally, but this week, it read like a community theater version of a British play.

My guess is that the drugs were supposed to wake something specific in Cassie - a repressed memory or alternate personality or something.

I had no idea. If he gets the chance to sing, there is every possibility that I will be found dead of an awesomeness stroke the next morning.

I have embraced #WhatTheHelix in all its glory. This must be what incipient mycosis feels like.

IMHO, they're edging towards Kage Baker time travel - you can alter the past as long as it doesn't change the things you've already and there's a momentum in favor of preserving your onservations. (I'm not explaining it well, but its worth reading her books).