

You mean it is not the Foenix Suns? Huh.

Agreed. Good natured, it seems... not what the click bait headline implied.

So maybe the Steelers and the Raiders weren’t so wrong after all?

Blonde sister?

Came here for this... “Um, Salty, could I ask someone to give me a refund? Please help.”

IDK... 5 guys getting arrested at 5 guys is pretty fucking funny unless you’re one of the 5 guys.

Taken from another post about R.Kelly, but re-purposed appropriately here...

So fucking good. Thank you.

3) Everyone should wear John Olerud’s Helmet.

Answer is 1.

Does she have a sister?

Juvenile comments? Sure.

I’m sure at least 25% of the 4 people watching this on ESPN were really happy they got this sneak peak. Cool that Deadspin pointed the error out to another 20 people who read the article. Of those 20, my guess is that exactly 0 fucks were given.

Worst. Massage. Ever.

Agreed. Fine to pay the players. The coaches should take a stand with the players and against the NCAA to force a change. 

Yeah, so do the 4 people who were actually at the game against Brazil.

I was trying to think of something clever to say but can’t come up with anything better than this dude is a fucking idiot.

fixed the headline for you.