Dick Nenton

Laser scanners were used for the 3d, photogrammetry was used to apply the textures to the 3D.

You seem to be adamantly missing the two words “and then”. They used laser scanning to do one thing, and they employed photogrammetry to do a different thing. Then they used the results of those two things to make the final thing.

You think Kotaku (which isn’t even where this is posted...) is a kid’s site?

“...were created by rebuilding the hotel’s structure in three dimensions using laser scanners, and then bringing it to life by texturing the walls, floors, ceiling, and even furniture using over 10,000 photographs in a process called photogrammetry.”

Maybe you should read that line again before critiquing someone else’s reading comprehension.

God forbid other people enjoy digging into the way stories from their favorite game series might be connected.

Spartans. Greek. Rome. Internet arguing . etcetera   

Jumping on a moving car is stupid. That wasn’t bad ass. That was her taking a bet that that thief wouldn’t risk maiming her. That’s a stupid fucking bet to take.

Learn humor, and use it. So you know when a joke has gone over your head.

“Queso blanco”just meants white cheese. Are you sure that that’s not just rebranded to sound foreign?

With comments like that do you really think you’re better? The commentor can claim ignorance. What’s your excuse?

That’s not child support, it’s alimony.

I am absolutely tired of this “Taxi drivers are better vetted and more reliable than uber drivers” schtick. I have been an uber driver and a lyft driver in the past. In the city of San Antonio, driving at night, I heard a lot of common stories from my passengers. My women passengers in particular had two stories that

Can anyone TL;DR the broad strokes of this for someone who hasn’t had enough coffee for that much reading and will forget that this tab is opened by the afternoon?

That’s bullshit. You have to know that’s bullshit. You do know that’s bullshit, right?

So I’m not an auto-buff, so maybe I don’t know what I am talking about, but isn’t cruise control a thing? It’s a thing in every car I’ve ever driven. Isn’t that the entire point of cruise control?

Who said it was the next big thing? Sometimes, you can just sell a thing. Things are nice, too.

Having an issue with stubble doesn’t make someone an asshole. Are you not aware that stubble hurts? Haven’t you ever kissed a stubbley man or had sex with a man with a stubbley pubic nest? It doesn’t feel good. It’s not a matter of appearances; it hurts. Gender doesn’t come into play in this one. If you have anything

That might have been true twenty years ago. Today it’s the only job a lot of people can get. Go to McDonalds some morning and look in the kitchen. How many teenagers do you see? Probably not as many as you see mums and hard working adults. Nevermind that working in fast food is far more grueling than almost any other

Toys can come in the form of both machine and structure. To assemble that toy he had to engineer a design.