
I feel like you haven’t been to many public events, then. Situations like this occur often, but just because they’re not playing along with the cheesy ass reference doesn’t mean they weren’t otherwise enjoying the show. Assuming otherwise is baseless.

I feel like that’s just you. Not sure how you can guage their facial reactions from the low quality video. But, some of them are still waving their little banners and other accessories.

Because astrophysicists and medical professionals work in the sane field, lol.

I’m still flabbergasted you compare this cast of characters to the ‘cool’ kids.

Though I’m not always fond of some of Schreier’s articles, it’s great to see two of the best minds in the gaming industry come together.

You seem confused. And pretentious.


Come on, you can* Grammar’s hard.

Repeat that in English, please* Don’t start sentences with ‘and’ or ‘also’ without proper punctuation, moron. What grown ass idiot uses emoticons on public forums? Oh. The same idiot that remains willfully ignorant of history.


Why are your responses so long you joke? Why are you trying to defend yourself? You’re stupid, get over it.

Mafia III was way above this generic shit.

No, you’re an idiot that refuses to educate yourself. You’re* too* stupid to even use proper grammar. Dumb as fuck, that’s why you vote Republican. Enjoy your waste of a life.

Wow, you’re an actual idiot. You’re too incompetent to use Google too, apparently. It’s nobody else’s responsibility to keep your dumbass informed.

Oh, you’re one of those idiots that doesn’t realize the parties switched platforms decades ago.

Oh, and you think Disney’s characters were created by Disney. Sheesh. Scary how far the ignorance reaches.

If it’s untrue it’s unfounded.

Man, it must be great to be such an idiot in modern times

That seems like an entirely unfounded and entirely untrue statement to make