
Police unions would fight like hell to keep paid leave. They would start a slowdown or strike and make cities cave first.

While I’ll listen to him no matter what he’s wearing, because his message is important, there are absolutely people who would listen if he was in a suit. Sometimes its not about the message, its about figuring out what the audience needs to see and hear to make a difference. Sadly, too many people are going to see a

Is it though? I mean the guy calling for action in front of the council is really awesome, but I can’t take anyone serious with slippers, blue sunglasses, and Beats around their neck.

Am engineer, can confirm, math checks out.

Finish reading the post yo

*writes article about giving up Amazon*

*posts article linking to Amazon to save money on charging cables*

But you’re hoping new case law prevents it from happening to you in the first place?

Also, I replaced my hdd with one I bought on Craigslist. I formatted it, but I imagine that if I hadn’t, I’d be responsible for all of the previous owner’s data, which CAN BE RECOVERED even after it is erased.


I feel like anything that is publically billed as “the hottest teen party in the US” should raise some red flags.  

Thoughts and prayers

Oh so now we are all Applebee’s haters now right.

Negative. De-policing was attributed to Baltimore’s massive increase in homicides. Low-income, disenfranchised neighborhoods rife with gang problems would tear themselves apart if police were “dismantled”.

Guy just looks like a total asshole. A coin flip has nothing to do with black history month, or race in general.

Clearly McDaniels just loves fucking over horse-based franchises.

yea i only clicked thinking the price was gonna be like $100. disappointed :(

1.) Is it bad that I was hoping that Dad was going to get some good licks in on Larry before anyone could intervene?

My dad right now in a nutshell. He’s all “it’s making things change!” and “Well, I’m not worried!” says you the sixty year old white male...