
David, how can you warm your cars up if they won’t start ?

Damn. I should have written faster.

coo coo ca choo.

I’m no school psychologist, but that guy’s verbal skills are, uh, astonishingly terrible. 

I got chlamydia just reading that.

I definitely miss the “old days of Rolling Stone after reading that nonsense.

I’m not able to fathom spending more than ten minutes with someone who talks the way he does. I get that an interview isn’t the same as a regular conversation, but GOOD LORD dude. Not everything is “fire.”

Those K-people really choose the very best partners, don’t they?

$50 Dollar XJ’s”

“I bought an XJ for fifty bucks...”

Id be more embarrassed if i was caught using this site than i would have if i was caught on Ashley Madison.

Tough shit, chuckles!

I hate that you wrote this, stick to cars.

Fernanda Jacqueline Dávila is 2 years old, and she is locked up. The U.S. government would say that’s not true; that she is well taken care of and fed, that she has a bed, and her own clothes. But the simple truth is that Fernanda is in custody in a detention center for immigrant children, and cannot leave.

This Is April ™️

motion to grant personhood to all dinosaurs

Wait that’s a boy? HAHAHA He got the same dick-sucking lips his momma does!

“suffers from ADHD and post-traumatic stress because of this school.”

sounds like this lil niglet wanted some attention