
Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

Why would you bother blocking people on a post that isn’t even yours? I think there’s far bigger fish to fry in the comments section than commenters who don’t get this asshole’s stupid name or look.

I mean, I assume I am older than a lot of commenters but I also laugh every time I hear the word “balls” so I think things balance out eventually.

sexual performance involved a 13-year-old girl who appeared nude and engaged in a sex act with another party in a series of videos 6ix9ine appeared in and posted on social media.

Obviously, this kid is a total dipshit. Just send him to jail; he can find out how bad he really is.

I... what?

Ordered to complete his GED? Did I read that right? How is that a prerequisite to getting this guy off the street and away from kids? Also, “May” end up going to prison? He made a sex tape with a kid! WTF is going on in that courtroom?

Fair enough. Very fair.

What about “I find this young man’s look troubling” - is that too elderly?

Just lock the fucker up. It’s bad enough that this was somehow meant to be a punishment for filming child pornography and molesting a child but clearly the fuckwit can’t even be bothered to complete tests designed for people several years younger.

The response “I’m an old” needs to be banished to the depths of fiery hell along with 6ix9ines.

Is there any way to turn off these damn video game stories in my newsfeed when I come to Deadspin to get my (several times a day) dose of snarky sports reporting? To each his own man, but there couldn’t be anything further away from my interests than these stories....

And again, thanks for the spoiler. Didn’t know there was a DLC boss.

Booze OR alcohol.

Typical sexual predator. He can’t take “no” for an answer.

Don’t try to hide the truth from us, you monster. She’s to the right of the video, but to the left of Pai.

Nintendo says ~20 hours a charge IIRC. Since I almost always reattach them when I’m done playing, it’s been a non-issue for me.

Another feature of using Wells Fargo is that they’ll automatically open up a checking account, savings account, line of credit, auto loan, and mortgage for you.

If this happens I would be a happy man. Goddell having to stand up on stage two years back to back with people he hates would be amazing. Also as a philly fan this would be a nice present for a shitty year.

I would get an Eagles tattoo if that happens and I barely even follow the NFL.

Eagels fan here. I’m calling it early: we sign Kap, he plays like a man possesed, we roll through the playoffs and win our first Superbowl, and Goddel is forced to hand to Lombardi trophy to Kap, the games MVP.