
great name,aye god woodrow

Hello Myles,I always enjoy your reviews. Wondering why you think Fiona in episode 11 after having sex with Ryan in his apartment didn't zip her fly or button her pants.Instead she walked around his apartment barefoot with most of the front of her panties showing.Think she was being casual or was she trying to entice

I have a question episode 11 when after Fiona had sex with Ryan in his apartment,she got dressed but didn't zip her fly or button her pants she walked around his apartment barefoot with most of the front of her panties showing.Was she trying to further seduce Ryan perhaps into a better deal for building or just being

gabff,it was Brianna

Mark,after having sex with her latest,Fiona walked around his apartment barefoot with the front of her pants unzipped showing a lot of her panties,think this was some sort of a come on possibly for business help or just Fiona being casual? thks

After having sex with her latest fling Fiona got dressed but never buttoned her pants or zipped her fly,she walked around his apartment barefoot with most of her panties showing,was she just being casual or was she looking for something more? Thanks

Svetelana has put herself in a position to really take Kevin and Vee for all they are worth knowing all the ins and outs of their finances at home and at work,while they do not have an idea.

Kevin and Veronica are asking for trouble letting Svetlana do their finance books at work and home..She could really take them for all their $$ and they wouldn't know..I do like Svetlana tho..

Sean could get badly wounded,having to postpone wedding and pass away during the off season or mavbe the baby gets shot[by accident]

Watch the 1st 5 yrs,especially season 4.This season is very me anyway!

Lip will probably be the one to get hiv or some other sexually transmitted disease.He never appears to use protection..

Was that a vial of heroin in Carl's drug dealer found in Sean's jacket?..Thinking Sean is going to OD off the show..

it appears Lip has Frank's alcoholism gene as well.a couple of scenes with Lip and a pint of hard stuff in a brown paper bag.

except that he seems to be drinking a lot more,and by himself

Great nickname: Woodrow

I think Fionna will use the money to get the ring back and return it to him..

Anyone think Fionna will use Carl's money to get the ring out of hock and return it to Gus?

haha,it's Amanda..

was thinking the same thing as the burning wheel chair was going around in circles!

Nicole Bloom's character seems to be making a comeback,always liked her..Can't remember her character's name..