
or her policeman suitor

Yanis' house is now vacant[duh] and he had no friends or relatives..That's where the Gallagers will land or maybe the people who bought their house will buy Yanis' instead..

unpaid property taxes will do it

a Gallagher uncle bought the house and they tricked him into giving them a long lease.perhaps the uncle didn't keep up the property taxes and the city is foreclosing.Steve bought the house next and had to give it to a policeman

maybe the relative didn't pay city taxes

she was sorta topless in the opener this year

Jimmy/Steve could be the father!

Fiona asked Debbie to go to the clinic together "we'll do it together"I think she said. An up coming episodes title hints at both having abortions at same time..IMO,this season isn't to compelling,hope they find their stride..

BS,is that a Shameless quote,if so,who said it,thks..jmix