
Return that junker if you can, get virtual box and a winodws 7 license you should have about $100 left over from your initial purchase maybe more. With that you can pay someone to set it up for you if needed. you could also use VMWare Fusion if you want to pay for the virtual machine software. If not you can

A lot more people need to read and understand this. You aren't necessarily hearing something as it was mixed in the studio unless you have studio quality equipment. Most speaker/headphones/etc put there own little eq on stuff even the ATH-m50 that everyone here likes is not perfect. A good eq can set that sound

Yeah they both definitely have different business models. Personally I'd stick with ups for higher value items while USPS may be better value for the cheaper smaller stuff. Also with USPS always check parcel vs priority as there is usually little difference on cost with certain items.

But does it miss the guaranteed date? (Store orders may or may not have this. So stores can keep cost down there's may be different)

It all has to do with origin and destination. I know a lot of people perceive UPS as slow due to the time it takes whoever they ordered from to actual process the package. That has nothing to do with who ships it.

Not for UPS you simply need to ask when regular ground will get it there. If the computer says 1 day it will be guaranteed 1 day not "when a truck heads that way". Now the USPS may not be that way. I'm guessing FedEX is like UPS

Most people like to wrap the cord around the power brick. Dell is one of the few companies that make a cord designed to do this. Those that don't have this I recommend using two Velcro cable ties. You can get a large roll at Lowes for around $5. Take one and put on each cord of the brick and package as you will

Well for one it was a Chevy and they it's best just to stick with OEM unless you really know what you are doing plus I think the motor had just been rebuilt but the point was that it didn't throw near the codes it should have for the terrible performance it was giving.

On a 98 truck I had they got some well known brand of plugs that gave no misfire indication. However the truck was weak, it would actually slow down some times when accelerating. Changing to factory plugs got me 3 more mpg and a ton more power in upper rpms making the vehicle much safer on the interstate. This was

Wow lots of people giving guess replies here.

Well rubber rots when it gets dry for too long so you want it to soak up whatever you put on it. You don't want a ton of excess but you also want to let some soak in.

omnichad had a mostly spot on answer but I would recommend spray silicone before wd-40 as wd evaporates quickly. I think silicone is actually recommended in most car manuals.

Handbrake will handle this.

Handbrake will handle this.

I would just sprinkle baby powder or something on the floor unless your floor is white

Not so much worried but I would like this to last a long time. As I know I can get it lower just by upping the fan speed I would like it to idle at 40 quietly so I can overclock it without hearing the fan all the time.

Look at the ZFS file system much better at data integrity than the others.

Actually the farther back the better due to leverage. The reason you probably here over the tires is because heavier loads will start to pick the front wheels up and/or has too much weight that throws off the balance of the vehicle in general. You always want to have the most weight on the front wheels as steering

Did you water cool the 560? I have the non Ti 560 and am looking around for different cooling solutions as I have to run the fan at 70% at idle to keep it just under 40c where I like my temps to sit.

It's good for people that want to use it at work or elsewhere like a friends house/computer where they don't have install privelages.