
I couldn't watch the whole video. It was making me feel a little sick but, I think the keyboard player's tank top (the slang name for it) says enough here.

This totally makes my day especially since I heard that the movie is being rereleased in theaters in 3D. 2 weeks only starting Sept. 16

I agree, and the fact that they will have their records clear when the complete probation is wrong. They should have to carry this with them in some way just like Pheobe's family will.

I watched the episode and she said she wasn't producing enough to pump a lot so I imagine she pumped when she could but then had to go and feed to suppliment.

I find myself unable to post what I really want to say, too many emotions but, thank you Lara. You have moved me today and you are very strong for what you did. You spoke up and more of us need to do that.

Preach on. I couldn't agree more. Now I don't have to post the same thing

Now I want Jello. Thanks a lot...lol mmmmmmmmmmm Jellllllloooooooooooooooooooo

I totally agree. I got b*tched out when I said I was mad that Kurt was coming back to the school because I can't stand him. Everyone jumped on me it was rediculous. He is just as mean as the rest of them.

I read the Queen lent it to her for the ceremony. It is an important tiara because the Queen received it from her mother on I think her 18th birthday or something like that. It is the perfect size and style.

I just read that was her sister. The dress was beautiful. Having been a recent bride myself, I tried dresses like Pippa's and they weren't flattering to my figure but I still loved them.

What about Catelyn and can't think of his name? Aren't they still together?

I turned 16 my Junior year because I have a Nov bday. I thought that was way off too.

Not super impressed to be honest and this is all I really cared about wedding wise but, I was digging the white dress the girl holding her train was wearing. Super cute.

I would agree she probably saw a lot of trash or at least art made from it.

I have 2 friends who met on WoW and are now happily married.

If you've never seen it, Byron Hurts Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes is amazing on this topic. The music is outdated but a lot of it is still very very true.

one of the best openers of my youth. Thanks for posting!

I want this for BlackFriday shopping and for fishing.

What is up with the "kid with glasses" comments. You are talking about a baby here she has a name. I think it's Aliannah? Either way, I feel like this is making funny of a child. Way wrong Jez. Super disappointed in recent articles and commentary by Jez staffers lately.