
agreed. Rape is rape Glad I saw your comment because I was just about to say the same thing.

I own 2 of these and they have helped me fill out my clothes so much better. I feel more confident because I was always smaller on top than the bottom and couldn't wear dresses and things I really loved. Now I can. I don't care what anyone says, these bras rock!!!

I agree this includes teachers who post positive things about their students on Facebook as well. You shouldn't be "friending" your students or their parents online unless it is a work only account. The rest of your "friends" don't really give a crap that someone else's kid did something nice. Take the time to get off

First it's don't drink at bars or you will get raped, don't wear a short skirt or it's your fault if you get raped because you asked for it. Now it's don't go to the bathroom at night?!! SERIOUSLY!!! The anger that has built up inside me is going to make me snap soon. This child was whipped to death for going to the


Dr. Ruth does the same thing apply to females because, ever since I quit smoking, DAMN!! life altering for sure.

I get trendy items from places like Walmart. You wash them about a dozen times and they fall apart or fade but, by then, they are out of fashion. I also get camis and such from these stores as well as shoes that are not for every day wear. You get your money's worth and they are out of fashion around the same time

Each year, about 324,000 pregnant women in this country [the U.S] are battered by their intimate partners. That makes abuse more common for pregnant women than gestational diabetes or preeclampsia — conditions for which pregnant women are routinely screened. Gazmararian JA; et al. 2000. "Violence and Reproductive

Holly Hobby looks good. I think it is a nice, age appropriate update to her and her friends. I don't see it like I look at the monster dolls or sexy horse. Holly looks like a normal kid

The beard strap was the best thing EVER!! I would never make my SO wear any of these but still I give points to the beard strap all day long

I just rewatched the whole series and I totally agree. The wireless episode was hilarious because they explained how it worked. Same thing with the computer passwords and such. It was all still so new back then. Love it.

lol I should have clarified. My family laughs because I put both a sweater and coat on my dog. They think it is rediculous. Now I can say with a reference that I am not the only one who does it. A play date with Hugh wouldn't be bad though.

Glad to know I am not the only one who both puts a sweater and a jacket on my pup. Peaches and my pup should have a play date. They would have a blast in their little coats.

Ok, I read this as insulting rather than insulating. I would never had clicked on the link if I had read it right. This is pretty much a duh. You cold? Here's a blanket.

thank you for giving me the only Oscar info I care about. I didn't watch and I was in a migraine + pain killer induced sleep most of the day yesterday. I appreciate the info.

Perhaps insureance should be based on a person's record/history and age rather than gender. Yes I think age does make a difference. I shouldn't have to pay the same as a 16 year old who is inexperienced.

I am so incredibly grossed out right now. I can't imagine this. I can't even handle a regular pedicure. I'm gagging and vomiting—I'm gavommiting.

This just makes my day. Such a cute story and I am glad the dog is ok.

I noticed this recently when my hubz and I made a trip to our local Walmart (I know I know). We go there about once every 2 or 3 months to stock up on shampoo, soap, cleaning products etc. We both bought the same brand of body wash and mine was $1.50 more for the same size bottle made by the same company. Nothing

I agree Charo, I agree.