
“But what really pisses me off is that my games actually earn their nudity, and cannot function as artistic works without it. Then here comes Twitch, which argues that some blue alien chick boobs in Mass Effect are OK to broadcast because they’re obviously there for some bullshit titillation? The totally unnecessary

Wait, are you saying most of the online levels are super hard? Like how hard compared to this guys levels?

Why does everyone seem so confused by this. You cant release the game with only a japanese track cause there are more people that dont want to read subs than do. So they can: 1) release it with both languages, which means youre paying english va’s and japanese va’s (whos normal pay rate is already higher than western

Some people feel the need to carry 60 GB of music around with them because their music is in a lossless format and theyre not interested in streaming music in a low bitrate and being forced to listen to that music on a shitty proprietary music player.

Some people feel the need to carry 60 GB of music around with them because their music is in a lossless format and

“Our goal is to become a top-rated publisher esteemed by game developers, distributors and players.” - DotEmu founder Xavier Liard

The reason videogame movies suck is the same reason most summer type films suck. Have you ever heard of P.T. Anderson? Hes considered one of the greatest working filmakers. When he tried to make the movie ‘the master’ , which was his next film after ‘there will be blood’ (which would have won a ton of oscars if the

This is a good post, but it clearly wasnt written by jason. I dont know how many words were written but not one of them was the word suikoden, so youre busted, imposter!!

Should you buy this? YES. Should you play they copy you bought? NO.

I wooped batmans aaaaass!

Why? Heres a simple formula:

Look, there were some people who were like “mirrors edge sucks!”, or “um, yeah, it was pretty good.” But if dice wanted to make a game for people that truely loved ME they would have made a relativly cheep downloadable game that was only and focusing on the time trials but waaaay better. Do you remember playing tony

Some things to keep in consideration:

I love how you say things like ‘brought forth (perhaps unintentionally) memories of the 1991 Luby’s Cafeteria shooting in Killeen, Texas.’ like you just remembered that while playing the game and didnt spend time on google looking up shootings so you could sound like someone who gives a shit.

Lore is the exact thing that separates fans of something that are nerds or non nerds. The reason lore is so important to nerds is that unlike normal fans, who experiance immersion and escape through a well told story with an engaging and interesting plot and characters, and experiance that escape on a short term basis

Sorry, but youre completely wrong. You cant determine if someone truely wishes to end their life by whether or not they do. Every animal on the planet has a very powerful instinct to preserve their own life. Humans, because of our evolved rational capabilities, are the only animal that can over ride that instinct. But

Um..Im pretty sure porn is the reason you boot up your pc in the morning. Jus sayin.

Im soo sick of hearing about a game as sexist and offensive to woman and the potrayal of woman as Dragons Crown!!! Wait- this is from metal gear? Well then.. Kojimas a genius!!!

I love the idea of honar in games cause games much like the old days you talk about are not real.

ps. J/k!

Thanks for showing me what the first 5 minutes of this game is like when an annoying person talks over it, saying absolutely nothing of importance or value about the game, reading the text like he was a ten year old reading to a five year old, and making it perfectly clear that he holds the belief that no human being