
Wow, this poster is really dumb (cause no teenager is going to care or be affected by it) but the reaction to it seems kind of dumb too. The poster doesn’t seem to be saying something to girls ( such as, if you have sex, you are not any of these words) but to boys. You know, typical teenage boys who will tell the

Devs and publishers need to stop looking at things as paid (to them) vs free. Emulators almost always offer a better product and experiance. Companies put in as little money and effort into rereleases because they like to think its the only option available to honest gamers. Ignoring all of the technology available

Nooooo! With Del-I have seriously only made one good movie-Toro out, who could ko-Michael Bay looks like Orson Wells next to my complete lack of understanding of even the most basic principles of visual storytelling-jima get to help him turn silent Hill into a 5 hour non interactive self indulgent retarded mess? *Uwe

I love how they got rid of superman’s red underware. As if that supposed to make him look less ridiculous.

Wait, let me see if I have the science right here: 32 year old woman decides to write a novel about an adult who wakes up with the mind of their teenage self but then realizes she will sale many more copies if she pretends for 6 weeks that it’s actually happened to her and writes the story as memoir. Good call, lady!

I think buttons are really a non issue. If companies like apple, microsoft, and Samsung wanted to create a peripheral that provided buttons that was as good as a gamepad and still truly mobile, they could. But who’s really asking for it? Certainly not devs of mobile games who are making giant piles of money with

I didn’t find it abrupt because of the bingo speech. The story he tells of the chicago sunroof says everything. Jimmy knows that he is not an upstanding success, but he also doesn’t see himself as a bad person. He knows that shitting into someones car because they slept with your wife is immature but the world sees it

I think the big difference between saul and walter is that walter white is a genuinely bad person who ended up having the circumstances to do bad things where as saul is a genuinely good guy who never has the right circumstances to be a good guy. Anyway, if you like bob odinkirk watch tom goes to the mayor, pronto!

I wonder if the japanese government could take down the game in japan if these mods were available and thats wht temco is against it

Ms. Hernandez, you need to start an online class for finding the best things on the internet. Now if you would please find me a similar mod for smash bros so i can use nekkid donkey kong i would much appreciate it!

Really? What if it were you finding out that you were “in bed” with your mom? You probably wouldn’t feel too great about that because you don’t want to have sex with your mom and when you have sex with someone you probably don’t want to find out they are not who you thought they were. You wouldn’t be saying that your

Anyone remember the the story of the boy who cried wolf? Yes, he cried wolf when there wasn’t one there and you can argue all day long that in this persons text and in many other similar examples from the Internet and real life, there really is indeed a wolf present. The problem is that what most people know is that

Are you retarded? You want to know why the editor approved this artical? Because his expectations were not racist because they were not based on her race. They were based on who she was in a relationship with. If I was going to meet hernandez’s girlfriend and had no idea what her race was, I’d be expecting to meet Lil

I once told my parents that I murdered our next door neighbor. April fools! (I had actually murdered the guy who lived across the street)

In art and entertainment it can if it is due to outside, non-creative pressure. If some executive forces devs to change their game for financial reasons people will frown at that, but changing it to make it more diverse because diversity = better is worse IMO. He gave creative reasons why their was an all male cast.

Considering the amount of content and much more importantly how consistently good all the content is, $60 is a deal. I can't believe how organic everything is in this game. It never feels like youre doing random (busy work) side quests. This game blows something like sky rim away in terms of making you feel like

does anyone know of an official/unofficial way to turn off the effect where everu thing that's not immediately around you is shaded out??? This game is awesome and I'm loving just about everything in it but hating this. I know this is how the infinity engine games did it, but it kinda drives me nuts. The environment

does anyone know of an official/unofficial way to turn off the effect where everu thing that's not immediately around you is shaded out??? This game is awesome and I'm loving just about everything in it but hating this. I know this is how the infinity engine games did it, but it kinda drives me nuts. The environment

are we ever going to get a best of steam reviews? You must have collected a ton of super awesome ones by now.

I really like the conversation style of this! Please do more posts like this! I like what you guys had to say about storytelling through text. A big question i have is can you turn of the voice overs?