
why doesn't she just tell him to come over to her house and then kick his ass? Or just get a bunch of her friends together,go find the guy, and then kick his ass? Oh wait, I forgot she's a woman and needs men (or women with guns) to save her. I'm joking of course. Kind of. Mostly. God, I don't even know anymore.

'Ha ha ha ha! All you idiots better buy a WiiU or you can't play Bayonetta 2! Lol!' - Love, Platinum Gamez

I havent read this book so I won't speak directly to it, but positive thinking works. Not thinking negatively works. But a lot of people try to do both those things with a very simplistic understanding of them. If you think you can wish for something and cosmic forces will make that happen, prepare to be disappointed.

Google social anxiety,cognitive behavioral therapy, and mindfulness.

why is it that when crazy people do things that are crazy we all keep our mouths shut about it if what they're doing is something "good"? This guy didn't need a TV segment done about him, he needed people to suggest he get professional help. It's like when that japanese dude built a bat-trike and rode it to work

The line between a mature approach to sex and a pointlessly gratuitous one, however, is thin

Im hoping it will be a cheeseburger connected to a string tied to a stick ducttaped to a fat chick wearing a saddle.

or have sex with a woman.

Okay, i read the whole thing and have calmed down. Sorry, windows 8 hurt my heart so much!

total horseshit that you are writing about windows 10 being free for a year like thats awesome on microsoft's part. Windows 8 was a bullshit os forced on new computer buyers. Anyone with 8 should be given a permanent free upgrade and an years worth of apologies. Also, bill gates should be stabbed in the neck with a

no one using words like sexist or feminism in these comments? Shocking. I for one think losers and perverts globaly should be able to play the same 'women=fuck holes' games as japanese losers and perverts.

pcsx2 1080p rez iso dualshock 3= !!!!!

oh crap, I was like dark souls is good but... Dark souls for the win! !

ive just never understood how I could play socialy when the people I meet in game blow by me in levels cause they play so much more than me.

I think a better split is 1. People who play for fun, which can be anything they find fun, including competition. And 2. People that play for a feeling of accomplishment or progress. People who play mmos don't need to do something fun (as you would normaly think of it) they need to get exp, materials, levels etc.

So you dont play ANY mmos! Lol!

there are many different people who play mmos for different reasons, but if its your 'lifestyle' you have to be playing for hours a day. And I mean 5-8+ hours a day. Which many 'brothers and sisters' do. I think spending that much time on anything every day can't be healthy. If you say you read the most well

i get where youre coming from but it seems to be crazy to be okay with a game that has drilling peoples heads open etc and not okay when theres rape (if it were not fictional in the game). Its amazing to me all of the things we do in games that would be absolutely horrible to do irl with the justification that its not

Um, wow.

Sorry, a bad attempt at sarcasm. Hardcore shmup players tend to think anything remotely causual (compared to the very not causual and hard shmups of history) and not coming from japan is crap. If youre new to shmups i think any game is great although id check out crimson clover.