
I think the problem with peoples perspectives is that they have never staked even 5 grand belonging to the company they work for on anything. Try putting the average budget of a game on the line. Its easy to say a risk should be taken when you are not taking it. 9 out of ten people calling this sexist would make the

They dont choose to not make games with females leads because they believe they will sell badly. Theres no self fullfilng prophecy. They make games with male leads because there is less risk involved. You can point to a number of games that did well with female leads and that in no way makes female leads less of a

You have a poor understanding of business. If you only sell white bread and it makes you the profit you want you have found a low risk product to sell. It doesnt make business sense to sell wheat bread, even if there might be a markwt for it, if wheat bread is a higher risk than the bread thats already making you

you compliment square on taking what you call a business risk which implies the people who passed the game up or wanted male leads did not want to take that business risk. How exactly is choosing to avoid a percieved business risk 'sexist bullshit occurring from the higher-ups'?

no one's talking about because the the only people that talk about shumps are people that are really into shumps and those people know the game sucks.

what you think you know better than me just because you've actually used it and know what you're talking about?!

its a gimmick at the moment because there are very few games where vr is going to naturally blend well with the game as it already exist and theyre not developing game specificly for it. Alien isolation is a game in which youre mostly just moving and looking. Playing an fps doesn't work well because looking and aiming

*sniff, sniff, sniffle* ….Estelle, I miss you so much…

"Hahahahahahaha! Omg, that is the best! Its like the real life Peter is in my office! You are absolutely perfect. Okay, if I can be serious for a moment, you're going to die of diabetes. " - that guys doctor.

um, whats so amazing about walking up to enemies who are not paying attention or know that youre there and throwing a knife at them?

so some how being willing to whip out his big dong is being less of a douche than than driving a ridiculous truck cause he has a small one? If you need to prove youre not compensating for something then your probably compensating for something.

this is always take underware out of the bag and check for poop.


I remember seeing the japanese trailer of rouge galaxy with awesome voice acting and then having to play the US release with the voice acting of the brother from boy meets world :( Kids are so lucky these days, they can just download the emulated undubbed HD widescreen version for free!

i can't help but feel that if not being able to play a video game for one day ruined your christmas im glad your christmas was ruined.

as someone who loved ME I hate to crap on such a positive article, but its a dumb one (okay, possible exaggeration)

God, you know nothing about fashion.

you clueless idiot! In 200 years a countrys military might will be determined by the awesome power (or lack there of) of their child ninja representatives! Everyone knows that!!

But how did she get their #s??!!