
Loved it. To borrow from Sean Fennessey of The Ringer, it’s Justified in space. Total Raylan Givens vibe.

Northgate is fucking awesome. Their meat counter is nothing to mess with. I like Superior too. Sadly, I have pretty bland grocery stores around me so I end up going to Traders or the little Mexican mart La Bodega a few blocks away.

I love the Mandalorian culture that was put into it. I hope we get more of that. And how they made fucking BESKAR a thing in this show. Loved the slow pace of the show.

As a veteran of many many MMO launches. I get it and saw this coming a mile away. All good though. It happens. 

“That’s canned dough. This is fully edible bread that comes in a can.”

Mint Kit Kats are delicious. 

Definitely planning on it! I love this site.


Steph did the baking world equivalent of blowing a 3-1 lead. But really, what a top 3.

I’m one of those people who fucking loves mayo and peanut butter, but I like to add a thinnnnnn layer of cheese and toast/grill cheese it. 

Holy shit I am a sucker for that hot pepper jelly. That sounds so good.

I feel she has to eventually be baked into a cake, right?

As a Japanese person who USED to make rice in their one-button Zojirushi, I was skeptical.

The Sandy-in-a-bag-gag has run its course, please no more.

The whole time I was watching Alice’s signature I was trying to wll her not to do that piping.

The Chef Show is my favorite of these, other than Bourdain’s. Choi and Favreau seem to have such a fun time together.

Ever since he had the episode of his show where Chang did the pizza delivery, and acted like a fucking tool, I’ve been over him. I used to really like him but now I can’t shake that feeling of superiority emanating from him. I feel Bourdain was the polar opposite. 

This fixed it! Thank you!

Hey, The Aquabats are awesome. Been going to shows since 2005. Great to see another fan here.

You okay? Do you need to talk about something?