
That animation is so ugly. WB is doing this the cheapest and least interesting way possible, which sucks because an animated Watchmen could be really good.

The team that’s been able to hack functionality to voyager remotely (for a definition of ‘remotely’ exceeding all other remotelys by a vast order of magnitude) deserve a congressional medal of honor.

Now playing

Steely-eyed missile people, every last one of them. Damn, is it inspiring that people in the shadows can step ALL the way up when it’s needed.

Based on the stupid shit my cat does, I’m thinking that’s $400 towards YouTube gold!

Unlike the book, the movie decided to wrap everything up with a neat little bow, which forced them to make some stupid decisions. The book simply has him win this single battle, break the cycle, and face the reality that humanity will never win as long as the aliens can keep resetting every future battle until they

The sooner that nutbag stops running back from the graveyard, the better, I say.

Excuse me, but how, exactly, do you think the test should be reported? By all accounts they’re succeeding with things no other space company/program has even tried. Are you missing some sort of rote excoriation of the iniquities of Elon?

They can’t win.  If they criticize SpaceX - Musk “fans’ will jump out of the bushes to defend him.  If they write something interesting about SpaceX, they’ll get criticism like yours.

At least try and hide your pro-SpaceX agenda a little better... its becoming kind of obvious contrasting that company’s treatment vs. every other space company/program.

The flaps are going to be natural points for heat to concentrate, during reentry. Protrusions like that always are. I’d want to see some data on how well the main body handled it, before deciding whether this calls for a partial or total redesign. It could be that there was some flaw specifically with how they were

SN29 says, “NOT TODAY!”

Yes I know, I didn’t mean to make it sound as if they missed some sort of target and ended up in the ocean instead; I meant to say the Ship ALSO successfully landed in the ocean. :D

Incremental progress made.

That was the goal, to be fair. Booster to make a controlled re-entry over Gulf of Mexico and the Starship main stage to make a controlled re-entry over the Indian Ocean. Both did just that.

well this didn’t age well

Seems like there are still some reliability issues with the raptor engine.... one didn’t start up on launch, and it looked like one or more blew up on restart during landing. That seems like a pretty minor “tuning and improving” issue. The heat tiles on the other hand seem like a major redesign might be in the cards:

OK, it looks like Starship also touched down in the ocean, although it took a hell of a beating on the way down. :D

Sorry to partially disappoint; the Booster successfully landed in the ocean only a short while ago. (WHEEEEEE!!! What an amazing sight. :D)