
You’re not wrong, but if you counted the number of failures of Falcon 9 (and Falcon 1 before it) and Dragon 2, you’d have thought it never would have flown. But here we are, 9 successful, sequential manned missions later without any hiccups. So I think that while testing failure isn’t the goal for either Dragon or

Oh, this is not my job. This is what I do for fun.

The 2 best uses I’ve used it for have been:

I mean... could the fact that nobody has tried this since be, because they think they might get caught?

It’s not a case of “ agency would be down to reduce their headcount,...”.

Wow they are really leaning into the fact that TSA is largely theater and nothing else, huh?

I love Moana, but I’m not sure the repurposed first two episodes of the Moana TV shows, repackaged as a movie, is really A-level content.

To me, Deadpool & Wolverine is niche. It’ll still be a hit, but how big a hit depends partly on the rating. To enjoy the broad mass market appeal of Avengers: Endgame or the other entries in that series, it can’t be rated R.

Look, I know I may get perma greyed for saying this. But you have to produce content that appeals to Parents. If parents don’t want their kids seeing politically charged woke content, parents aren’t going to subscribe to Disney+ or take their families to Disney movies. They need to go back to telling good stories

I thought I read, though, that the all-in-ones take a LOT longer to dry a load of laundry (avg. ~4 hours).

How do you *TEST* a design to verify that it actually works as intended without, you know, LAUNCHING IT. No amount of simulations will make a perfect rocket. Because it’s impossible to simulate the unknown. Starship is loaded with unknown factors. It is the first of its kind in many, many ways.

Meh, at one point in time yes, but cameras are small and cheap now, so much so, that there really isn’t a good argument for not including them anymore.

This is actually really cool.  Dunno why NASA or SpaceX doesn’t do reentry vids like this.

Things happen. Yes, we rely on the networks. $5 for the day (only a couple hours) times 29 days, would be a $145 bill for a single line. We have 4 lines, would mean our bill would be $580 a month, which it’s not.

Because 4 or 5 hours of cell phone outages are way more important and a far better use of  their time than looking into actual crime...

It seems they loaded extra LOX to simulate the mass of a payload. The Saturn I test program used water as ballast for the same purpose. They never had to vent it, though, since they weren’t intending to return to Earth. (Saturn 1 wasn’t carrying an Apollo capsule in those days.) They did release the water on one

The only people here obsessed with Musk are the people obsessed with shitting on him every chance they get.

No one said they “planned on it blowing up,” what was said is that it met all stated launch goals.

Specifically about this explanation:

I know this site just wants to hate on everything owned by Musk these days, but this: