
I see a lot of doctorates here.

This is my favorite mission of the past decade, no question. Fascinating stuff.

I don’t like Elon either but he could cure cancer and this site and it’s NPCs would still shit on him.

I’m not sure how Christopher Basaldú, from the South Texas Environmental Justice Network can say with a straight face that SpaceX only serves the wealthy?

There is less damage done to the wetlands, sand dunes and beach during SpaceX closures as it stops all the recreational 4WDs and motorbikes from tearing up all of those areas.

This is gonna be REAL interesting. See, not only does Boeing NOT build engines, the airlines don’t even OWN the engines. After American Airlines had one of their planes unsuccessfully attempt to throw itself at the ground and miss, it came out that they weren’t following proper maintenance procedures on their engines.

It was a GENX engine. Based on the reporting there was a softball sized hole above it, I’d guess a severe (extremely large) bird strike that caused a fan blade out event.

You know Boeing doesn’t build engines right?

Boeing does not make engines - how is this a problem for them?

seems like its gonna be ge, cfan, or pratt's problem if the engine disinterested

Oh man, they are going to roast you more then me.. :).  I do agree with you though.  

Along with @ABoyNamedSue, I’ll get roasted for this, but no. Just no.

One thing I found fascinating about the SLIM: one of its rovers—Lunar Excursion Vehicle 2 (LEV-2)—changes its shape to run on the lunar surface. It was designed, in part, by Tomy—a toy company best know for... Transformers.

“Vanity Project?” That comment is telling, I guess you lost any objectivity you’re being given credit for having.

Maybe it should, but my opinion is No. They are a young company, and if you are saying that any new game changing technology should be nationalized then it will eventually put the U.S. at a disadvantage globally. New technology companies may be more hesitant to start in the United States if the reward for hitting it

I’m not a fan of Elon, but the Elon/SpaceX hate on this site is really over the top.  Blinding..  

I’m sure i’ll get roasted here.. but this sounds like a pretty good deal for both sides unless i’m missing something here..  Also, at some point, [heres where I get roasted] we have to acknowledge that SpaceX is a key national asset and critical to the United States moving forward for a variety of reasons.  If we

Iris: “Hello, Earth!”

Nobody achieves anything great if they’re afraid to fail.

I wish you idiots would research your claims before posting them, it makes a mockery of your entire argument. By your logic, should I not vote Democrat as they were the original slavery-supporting party?