And it hasn't broken 50k US sales since 2002.
And it hasn't broken 50k US sales since 2002.
Not for nothing, but you only see this kind of cheap entry level vehicle covered on sites like these when they get discontinued. Appreciating these vehicles for what they are and their intention doesn’t drive clicks.
I also find it curious that researchers seem to look for the answer to “what killed the residents of Pompeii (and Herculaneum)”, when the most likely (and sensible) answer is “all of the above”.
So, the people that got covered in ash suffocated huh? Shocking...
Those old people who fetishize old cars seem to forget that cars back in their glory days of youthful perfection were utter garbage that died or rotted away by 100000 miles.
For those of us “less frequent” drivers (I average about 7500 miles per year thanks to a relatively short commute) how many miles/how long we can keep our cars ends up being very dependent on how long replacement parts are around for. My vehicle may be theoretically capable of lasting 150,000 miles with regular…
I too enjoyed the story, thinking there was some secret masterpiece. I was captivated by the mystery of it all - and the dream of a RPG dungeon crawl in FPS form. D2 has taken all that mystery, and in the removal of it, turned it into a Space Opera. This is not condemnation - I do enjoy a good Space Opera - it’s…
Yeah I was willing to sort of let the Destiny 1 to Destiny 2 content loss go, but the removal of content I actively paid for in the game I was playing - the Red War campaign, then the Forsaken campaign then planet after planet... It got old.
I played Destiny 1 quite a bit on 360, and played like 5 hours of D2. For whatever reason I got pretty interested in the lore/story, started tuning into Byf.
I just want to play the game. Levels for challenges are dumb in 2023. Let me just jump in and gate me by setting Hard/Normal/Easy.
Tears in the rain man
Aye. So very, very old and so very very tired.
That one really stinks. For me, less so because of the message the game gives you that you quoted above; and more because the game really isn’t about that... at all.
I’ve always found myself on-the-fence when it comes to Anita Sarkeesian.
The difference is, and always will be good faith and the perception of such. If someone sees what you’re doing as good faith, then that line resonates. If someone sees what you’re doing, and the first part doesn’t come across - it works less well. A lifelong vegetarian’s criticisms of factory farming come across less…
She opened every Tropes vs. Women video with the same line:
The fact that I remember when all of this was starting makes me feel so very, very old.
It’s a pretty obscure airframe. You’ve probably never flown in it.
I assumed he was wearing the prosthetics under his pants, that Stark had just used his nano-watsits at some point during the blip to make his friend something slim-fitting. I thought someone somewhere had mentioned that they could see lights through the cloth, but I didn’t see that during a quick step-through of…
Artisanal Airlines. Travel, Individually Decanted.